Carmel-based PathogenX, a medical device company that develops, manufactures, and distributes proprietary technology designed to dramatically simplify the process of medical waste disposal, has announced a partnership agreement with Toronto-based Invotek Group, Inc. (IGI)
PathogenX’s PX2 is a stand-alone, double-batch on-site sterilization device which safely and efficiently renders regulated medical sharps and red bag waste completely sterile, unrecognizable and non-reusable in compliance with all federal EPA, CDC and OSHA standards and guidelines. Each PX2 device is capable of processing up to 10 gallons of medical waste per day.
By teaming with Invotek, PathogenX will be able to meet the increasing demand for its technology in North America and beyond.
“With pre-sale orders mounting, this manufacturing relationship with IGI will help us meet anticipated demand,” said PathogenX CEO Chuck Berkeley. “IGI is a great fit for us because its distribution capabilities will integrate smoothly into the global distribution network we are in the process of building for PX2, a technology that’s time has certainly come. PX2 is ultra-safe and easy-to-use and we see it as a genuine game-changer for doctors, dentists, vets, sports teams, nursing homes, and other organizations faced with the expensive and dangerous nuisance of generating modest amounts of medical waste.”
The PX2 system destroys all microbes, including COVID-19, while melting the biomedical waste so that a resulting “brick” of harmless, sterilized material can be easily disposed of in the standard trash. The technology is now available for global distribution for use by hospitals and health facilities; research centers and laboratories; mortuary and autopsy centers; and testing laboratories; veterinary facilities; blood banks; nursing homes; and other medical waste generating venues.
“We are extremely excited to play a role in PathogenX’s road to bringing PX2 to health care facilities around the globe,” said Paul LaCroix, CEO of IGI. “We are ideally suited to be working with PathogenX because of our full black box design and manufacturing capabilities and operations in Canada, China and the United States with particular focus on producing technology that is both ultra-sterile and primed for network connectivity.”
Disposing of medical waste on-site with the PX2 is also considerably less expensive than haul-and-treat services and the company offers its customers financing and lease-to-own options so that the device pays for itself.
Berkeley added that the global distribution network will include coverage in North and South America, the Middle East, Europe and beyond and that interested distributers should contact him via (831) 333-6138 or
The mission of PathogenX, Inc. is to reimagine and change the way low-volume generators manage their infectious waste by offering an economic, efficient and environmentally safe solution, which also serves to eliminate liability. Learn more at
Note to media: photos of PX2 device and images of post-PX2’d medical waste – rendered harmless and fully sterilized, are available upon request.
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Source: PathogenX