Medivir AB announces the Nomination Committee’s proposal for a new Board of Directors to the Annual General Meeting 2018.
STOCKHOLM, March 15, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Medivir AB (Nasdaq Stockholm: MVIR) today announces the Nomination Committee’s proposal for a new Board of Directors to the Annual General Meeting 2018. The Nomination Committee 2017-2018 is composed of representatives for the company’s three largest shareholders at the end of the third quarter of 2017, who have accepted to be part of the Nomination Committee, and the Chairman of the Board. The Nomination Committee 2017-2018 members have been:
- Maria Rengefors, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, representing Nordea Fonder
- Bo Öberg, representing the class A shareholders
- Bengt Julander, representing Linc AB
- Anna Malm Bernsten, Chairman of the Board of Medivir AB
The Nomination Committee’s proposal to the Annual General Meeting 2018 is that a new Board of Directors is appointed through the re-election of current Board Members Anders Hallberg, Bengt Julander, Helena Levander, Anna Malm Bernsten and Bengt Westermark, and the election of Uli Hacksell and Lennart Hansson as new Board Members. The Nomination Committee proposes the re-election of Anna Malm Bernsten as Chairman of the Board.
Anders Ekblom has declined re-election.
Uli Hacksell, born 1950. Uli Hacksell has over 20 years of international management experience from both large pharmaceutical and biotech companies as well as over 10 years of experience as public company CEO. Hacksell was the CEO of ACADIA Pharmaceuticals between 2000 - 2015, and led the company from being a private start-up to becoming a public multibillion dollar company. He has previously held various senior executive positions at Astra AB and has held the position of professor in organic chemistry at Uppsala University. He is Chairman of the Board of Cerecor Inc. and a board member of InDex Pharmaceuticals AB, Beactica AB and Uppsala University.
Lennart Hansson, born 1956. PhD in genetics from Umeå University.
Lennart Hansson is a senior advisor at Industrifonden. He has a broad experience from the life science sector with leading and executive positions from KabiGen AB, Symbicom AB, AstraZeneca, Arexis AB, Biovitrum AB and Karolinska Development AB. He is a board member of InDex Pharmaceuticals AB, Athera Biotechnologies AB, Ignitus AB (Chairman), Calliditas Therapeutics AB, Sixera Pharma AB (Chairman) and Cinclus Pharma AG.