Key Industry-Relevant Development to be Announced at Michigan Biosciences Organization - MichBio’s 2009 Annual Meeting on May 6

ANN ARBOR, Mich., April 28 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following news advisory is being issued by MichBio:

What: MichBio Annual Business Meeting - During the meeting an important development for Michigan biosciences will be announced.

Who: MichBio, Michigan’s trade association for the bioscience industry

When: Wednesday, May 6

5:00 p.m. Networking Reception

6:30 p.m. Dinner

7:00 p.m. Meeting

Purpose: The MichBio Annual Meeting draws industry leaders and influential biotech professionals from across the state of Michigan. This meeting includes networking reception, MichBio update and keynote address.

Keynote Speaker: Harry Stylli, Ph.D., President & CEO, Sequenom, Inc.

“Sequenom: Successfully Riding the Biotech Tsunami”

Sequenom recently acquired two Michigan bioscience companies.

Afternoon Workshop: “Strengthening Your Company: Business Strategies to Survive and Grow in a Difficult Economy”

Overview: Surviving and succeeding in challenging economic times requires smart strategies aimed at maximizing competitive position. This workshop will provide emerging and established companies with the tools and knowledge to improve cash flow, protect and grow investment, and prepare strategically for the longer term.

When: 1 - 5 p.m.

Where: Kensington Court Hotel, 610 Hilton Blvd., Ann Arbor 48108 (For both the Annual Meeting and Workshop)

Registration: Registration is available online at or by calling (734) 527-9150.

Prices: Annual Meeting Only:

Members: $80 ($100 after 5/1)

Non-Members: $110 ($130 after 5/1)

Workshop Only:

Members: $75

Non-Members: $100

Workshop and Meeting (Save $25!):

Members: $130

Non-Members: $185

MichBio is committed to driving the growth of Michigan’s life science industry and to fostering the collective impact of its members by serving as their unified voice and by providing them with education, information, connections and other services. MichBio members include life sciences companies, academic and research institutions, bioscience service providers, and related organizations.

CONTACT: Jayne Berkaw, Director, Marketing and Communications of MichBio,

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