InflaRx Reports First Quarter 2019 Financial & Operating Results

InflaRx reported financial and operating results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2019.

  • IFX-1: New long-term efficacy data from Phase IIa clinical trial in Hidradenitis Suppurativa presented; approval granted to initiate Phase IIa trial in Canada in Pyoderma Gangraenosum; first patient treated in AAV EU trial
  • Corporate: U.S. operations expanded and new Non-Executive Director proposed
  • Cash and cash equivalents plus securities and other investments of €150.1 million as of March 31, 2019

Jena, Germany, 23 May 2019 InflaRx (Nasdaq: IFRX), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing anti-inflammatory therapeutics by targeting the complement system, today reported financial and operating results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2019.

“It is an exciting time for InflaRx, as we await top-line results from our Phase IIb trial with IFX-1 in Hidradenitis Suppurativa, our lead indication,” said Prof. Niels C. Riedemann, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of InflaRx. “While we look forward to these HS results, we have also continued to execute within our other clinical development programs. We now have Phase II trials in ANCA-associated vasculitis ongoing in both Europe and the US, and expect to initiate the Phase IIa trial in Pyoderma Gangraenosum in short order. I am pleased with the company’s continued development, and with the addition of key new hires, and the steadfast support of our shareholders. I believe that we are well positioned to exploit the potential of our anti-C5a antibody technology to pursue additional high-value pipeline opportunities going forward.”

Q1 2019 corporate highlights

  • Expanded U.S. operations with opening of corporate office in New York City and hiring of senior executives.
  • Richard Brudnick, CBO of Codiak BioSciences, appointed as Non-Executive Director, subject to shareholder approval at the upcoming annual general meeting, which will take place on May 23, 2019. He is currently serving as a Non-Voting Observer.
  • New data with IFX-1 from completed Phase IIa trial in Hidradenitis Suppurativa, or HS presented at the 8th Conference of the European Hidradenitis Suppurativa Foundation. The retrospective long-term data showed sustained remissions and median time to first flare of almost seven months, after only eight weeks of treatment.
  • Approval granted by Health Canada to initiate a Phase IIa clinical trial evaluating IFX-1 in Pyoderma Gangraenosum, a debilitating, rare autoimmune disease marked by large, painful ulcers. This is the third inflammatory disease for which InflaRx is developing IFX-1. InflaRx plans to start enrollment in due course.
  • In May, InflaRx started a second Phase II study with IFX-1 in ANCA-Associated Vasculitis. The first patient has been treated in the IXchange trial. The trial is planned to enroll approximately 80 patients at about 60 sites in up to 12 European countries and Russia.
  • IFX-1 subcutaneous version. We are continuing our preclinical development of a subcutaneous version of IFX-1 specifically for the treatment of HS and potentially other indications.

Q1 2019 financial highlights

Cash and cash equivalents plus securities and other investments totaled €150.1 million as of March 31, 2019, compared to €156.4 million as of December 31, 2018. Cash and cash equivalentsamounted to €47.2 million as of March 31, 2019 (December 31, 2018: €55.4 million) and marketable securities €102.9 million (December 31, 2018: €100.9 million).

Net cash used in operating activities increased to €8.5 million in Q1 2019, compared to €5.7 million in Q1 2018, mainly due to the increase of cash expenses, such as third-party expenses for manufacturing and clinical trials for our lead program IFX-1 and personnel expenses at InflaRx.

Research and development expenses increased to €7.7 million for Q1 2019 (Q1 2018: €5.5 million). The principal drivers of the increase were CRO expenses associated with preclinical studies and clinical trials conducted for IFX-1 as well as manufacturing costs.

General and administrative expenses amounted to €3.3 million in Q1 2019, compared to €3.0 million in Q1 2018. This increase is primarily attributable to an increase in employee-related costs.

Net financial result in Q1 2019 (€1.1 million) consisted of €0.8 million interest income and €0.3 million net exchange gain, compared to a net financial loss of €1.9 million in Q1 2018. This was mainly due to lower foreign exchange losses of our U.S. Dollar term deposits (€2.1 million) and higher interest income (€0.5 million).

Net loss for the first quarter of 2019 was €9.8 million or €0.38 per common share (basic and diluted), compared to €10.3 million or €0.43 per common share (basic and diluted) in Q1 2018.

Additional information regarding these results is included in the notes to the consolidated financial statements as of and for the quarter ended March 31, 2019, which can be found on the InflaRx website in the Investors section.

InflaRx N.V. and subsidiary
Unaudited condensed consolidated statements of comprehensive loss

for the three months ended March 31,2018 and March 31, 2019

March 31, 2019
March 31, 2018
(in thousands of €, except for per share data)
Operating Expenses
Research and development expenses (7,695) (5,474)
General and administrative expenses (3,301) (3,005)
Total Operating Expenses (10,996) (8,479)
Other income 65 82
Other expenses (4) (12)
Operating Result (10,935) (8,409)
Finance income 1,159 265
Finance expenses (62) (2,188)
Net financial Result 1,097 (1,924)
Loss for the period (9,838) (10,333)
Share information
Weighted average number of shares outstanding 25,964 23,812
Loss per share in euro (basic/diluted) € (0.38) € (0.43)
Loss for the period (9,838) (10,333)
Other comprehensive income that may be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods:
Exchange differences on
translation of foreign operations
2,318 0
Total comprehensive loss (7,520) (10,332)

InflaRx N.V. and subsidiary
Condensed consolidated statements of financial position as of March 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018

(in thousands of €) March 31, 2019 (unaudited) December 31, 2018
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 1,398 625
Intangible assets 325 223
Non-current financial assets 215 207
Total non-current assets 1,939 1,055
Current assets
Current other assets 2,170 1,589
Current financial assets 103,686 101,184
Cash and cash equivalents 47,163 55,386
Total current assets 153,019 158,159
TOTAL ASSETS 154,958 159,214
Issued capital 3,116 3,116
Share premium 211,022 211,022
Other capital reserves 20,408 18,310
Accumulated deficit (90,945) (81,107)
Other components of equity 2,368 50
Total equity 145,968 151,391
Non-current liabilities
Lease liabilities 460
Provisions 57 57
Government grants 10 11
Total non-current liabilities 526 68
Current liabilities
Lease liabilities 218
Employee Benefits 455 788
Social securities and other current tax liabilities 768 310
Trade and other payables 7,022 6,657