GI Dynamics Release: First Data Derived From ABCD Worldwide Endobarrier Registry Presented At American Diabetes Association Shows Sustained Metabolic Improvements In Patients With Obesity And Type 2 Diabetes At Six Months Post-Explant

  • HbA1c decreased by 2% at 18 months
  • Weight decreased by over 14 kg
  • BMI decreased by over 5 points
  • Insulin eliminated in 44% of patients
  • ABCD Worldwide EndoBarrier Registry now has >250 entries

BOSTON & SYDNEY--(BUSINESS WIRE)--GI Dynamics®, Inc., (ASX:GID), a medical device company that has commercialized EndoBarrier® in Europe for patients with type 2 diabetes and obesity, today announced data from a UK National Health Service (NHS) EndoBarrier Registry presented at the American Diabetes Association’s 77th Scientific Sessions demonstrated that metabolic improvements made by patients while implanted with EndoBarrier were sustained six months after EndoBarrier was explanted.

The poster presentation, “Maintenance of Efficacy After Endobarrier in UK 1st National Health Service (NHS) Endobarrier Service,” detailed data from 12 patients in the inaugural NHS EndoBarrier service at City Hospital in Birmingham, UK. These patients completed a 12-month implantation of EndoBarrier and were evaluated six months following explantation: 75 percent (9 out of the 12) sustained considerable metabolic improvements, including weight loss, body mass index (BMI) reduction and lower glucose levels.

“This data from the ABCD1 Worldwide EndoBarrier Registry is from a range of patients from our practice who remained obese and with poor diabetes control despite all of the standard treatments,” said Robert Ryder M.D., consulting diabetologist at City Hospital. “The intent of this study was to evaluate the effect of EndoBarrier in a real-world practice environment.”

“Understanding the longer-term impact of Endobarrier is essential as we consider different metabolic interventions to address obesity and type 2 diabetes,” said Dr. Ryder. “In addition to sustained weight loss, BMI reduction and glucose improvement, these patients self-reported considerable improvements in wellbeing, energy, fitness and exercise ability. Most exciting is that 3 of 9 patients discontinued insulin at month twelve, and the fourth patient eliminated insulin during the 6 months post explant.”