London, 21st June 2012. Indonesia and Vietnam are key emerging markets for healthcare due to the disparity in healthcare access throughout these countries and varying levels of consumers, business operatives depend upon solutions to achieve cost efficiency, market access and meeting end user needs. As the healthcare regulations in these markets are evolving, so are their customers, hence it is important to have a finger on the pulse of the markets to minimize market entry risk and maximise investments.
Frost & Sullivan will host a complimentary web conference entitled “Indonesia and Vietnam Healthcare Outlook: 2012 – 2015”, which will take place on Thursday 28th June at 4.00 pm BST. VP of Healthcare Asia Pacific, Rhenu Bhuller has completed extensive analysis on the Indonesian and Vietnamese healthcare markets. She will lead a short teleconference on key insights across Pharmaceuticals, Medical Technology and Hospital Services in these countries, followed by a live question-and-answer session.
To participate in this complimentary web conference, please email Janique Morvan, Corporate Communications, at, with your full contact details. Upon receipt of the above-mentioned information, a registration link will be emailed to you.
This web conference will benefit healthcare companies looking to enter or expand into Indonesia and Vietnam, by discovering market potential, challenges and best practices that have driven or inhibiting growth in these markets and by hearing about future changes in Indonesia and Vietnam that is expected to benefit both decision makers and end users in these markets.
To receive a link of the recorded web conference and/or further information on this research, please email Janique Morvan at, with your full contact details.
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