Fluidic Analytics Secures US Patent for Fluidic Separation and Detection Technology

Fluidic Analytics Ltd, has announced the issuance of US Patent 9,952,22 B2, entitled ‘Fluidic Separation and Detection’, from the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

Cambridge, UK – (31 July 2018)

Fluidic Analytics Ltd, has announced the issuance of US Patent 9,952,22 B2, entitled ‘Fluidic Separation and Detection’, from the United States Patent and Trademark Office. This paves the way for the development and commercialisation of a next-generation protein analysis technology platform to be launched later this year.

“The issuance of the US Patent for our fluidic separation and detection technology is key to building a platform that we believe will fundamentally change how scientists conduct protein analysis. The modular nature of microfluidics makes this technology a foundation on which we can build and support advanced analytical approaches, enabling native state proteins to be easily measured in the lab, clinic or even in the home.” Prof Tuomas Knowles, Chief Scientific Officer, Fluidic Analytics

“We envision a world where information about proteins and their behaviour transforms our understanding of how the biological world operates. Securing the US Patent for our Fluidic Separation and Detection technology is an important step in making this vision a reality. We believe our products, starting with the Fluidity One, will help improve understanding of how proteins behave and inform better decisions about how diseases are diagnosed, treatments are developed and personal well-being is maintained. There is a need for technologies that can characterise proteins in their native state, quickly, and without complex workflows – and that is what we are creating.” Dr Andrew Lynn, Chief Executive Officer, Fluidic Analytics
Fluidic Analytics, a spin-out from the University of Cambridge, specialises in the development of microfluidic technology for rapid characterisation of proteins in-solution based on their physical properties. US Patent 9,952,22 B2 will enable Fluidic Analytics to address the demand for native protein analysis through the global launch of its Fluidity One system later this year, giving users access to unique quantitative insights into protein behaviour that are not accessible using other approaches.
The patented Fluidic Separation and Detection technology is incorporated into the Fluidity One and combined with an intuitive Android™ based user interface, cloud computing capabilities and disposable microfluidic chips to ensure the best possible user experience.
Applications of this technology include the analysis of protein quality and understanding protein interactions and aggregation. These are important both in fundamental biological research, but also in the development of biopharmaceuticals, which now comprise as much as 50% of all drugs in development.

Fluidic Analytics - Understand the Machinery of Life

Fluidic Analytics envisions a world where information about proteins and their behaviour transforms our understanding of how the biological world operates, and helps all of us make better decisions about how we diagnose diseases, develop treatments and maintain our personal well-being.

By building the world’s best tools, software and services for protein characterisation and making them universally accessible in the lab, in the clinic or at home, we are making this vision a reality not just for a small group of expert users, but for everyone who can benefit.
