Emergent BioSolutions Release: Cornerstone Ceremony Welcomes New Vaccine Production Facility To Michigan

LANSING, Mich., July 21 /PRNewswire/ -- Emergent BioSolutions, a biopharmaceutical company, announced today the dedication of a new large-scale vaccine production facility for its BioDefense Operations in a gala ceremony on its Lansing, Michigan campus. This $75 million dollar project represents a significant investment in the company’s future and adds biotechnology diversity to Michigan’s economy.

Governor Jennifer Granholm and other dignitaries and visitors, including Lansing Mayor Virgil Bernero and Major General Stephen Reeves (Executive Officer, Department of Defense Joint Program for Chemical and Biological Defense), were on hand for the cornerstone ceremony.

“This building represents a major investment in our biodefense business, and significantly expands our core manufacturing capabilities,” said Fuad El- Hibri, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Emergent BioSolutions. “When we purchased this facility from the state in 1998, we could only dream of being where we are today. With the support of our employees, our customers, the city of Lansing, and the state of Michigan, that dream is now a reality.”

The new 50,000-square-foot facility is designed to enable the company to expand production of its current product, BioThrax(R) (Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed), and will provide the potential opportunity for production of other products in the company’s pipeline. Construction of this facility began in February 2006 and is scheduled for completion in 2007. The company expects to initiate manufacturing in this new facility in 2008. BioThrax(R) is the only FDA-approved anthrax vaccine. Present customers include the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S. Department of Defense, and certain foreign governments.

“This historic Lansing site has seen a number of milestone events in its long history, and we’re proud to call Michigan home,” said Robert G. Kramer, President of BioDefense Operations for Emergent Solutions. “This project signifies our unwavering commitment to protecting life. This facility is designed to provide new and expanded capabilities to produce immunobiotics to defend against biological agents and other public health threats.”

About Emergent BioSolutions

Emergent BioSolutions is a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to protecting life through the development, manufacture, and commercialization of immunobiotics(TM), which are novel products that direct the immune system to prevent and treat life-threatening diseases. These include products for prophylactic and therapeutic use against serious diseases where there exists significant unmet or underserved medical needs and against biological agents which may potentially be used as weapons of bioterrorism. The company currently employs more than 450 people with sites in Maryland, Michigan, the United Kingdom, Germany, and the Republic of Singapore. More information about Emergent BioSolutions is available at http://www.emergentbiosolutions.com .

Emergent BioSolutions Inc.

CONTACT: Kimberly B. Root, +1-517-749-3265, or Robert G. Burrows,+1-240-413-1917, both of Emergent BioSolutions