Debiopharm To Present The Latest Findings On Debio 1450 At ECCMID

LAUSANNE, Switzerland, April 8, 2016 /PRNewswire/ --

Debiopharm will be present at ECCMID in Amsterdam to share new data supporting the clinical development of its first in class Staphylococcus-selective antibiotic Debio 1450

Debiopharm International SA (Debiopharm), part of Debiopharm Group, a Swiss-based global biopharmaceutical company, today announced three communications on the investigational compound Debio 1450 at ECCMID 2016 in Amsterdam. Not only do these non-clinical data demonstrate the very high potency of Debio 1450 on numerous clinical isolates, but they also indicate that this compound may have an attractive therapeutic potential in hard-to-treat staphylococcal bone and joint infections.

“We are very pleased to present this new set of evidence which further illustrates the unique potency of our compound on clinically relevant Staphylococcus strains as well as supports our efforts to broaden the scope of our clinical development,” said Dr Nigel McCracken, Vice President, Translational Medicine, Debiopharm International SA. “Osteomyelitis is a huge unmet medical need and these new findings continue to provide strong evidence for the potential clinical utility of our compound in this area where innovative therapeutic options are desperately needed.”

ECCMID 2016 Abstracts

 Title Date and Time No. Efficacy of the FabI inhibitor Debio 1450 in the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus-induced osteomyelitis Mon, Apr 11, Oral in an experimental rat model 4:00 pm, Hall H session Activity of the novel Fabl inhibitor Debio 1452 against Mon, Apr 11, P1334 intracellular forms of susceptible and resistant S. 12.30 pm aureus: comparison with linezolid, vancomycin and daptomycin. Activity of Debio 1452 against Staphylococcus spp. Mon, Apr 11, P1333 collected in 2013/2014 12.30 pm 

About Debio 1450

Debio 1450 is a prodrug of Debio 1452 benefiting from both oral and IV formulations. It is a highly potent, staphylococci-specific antibiotic with a very low propensity to emergence of resistance. This first-in-class FabI inhibitor, active on all staphylococcus-resistant strains tested to date (MRSA, VISA, VRSA, LRSA), entered into Phase II ABSSSI in May 2015 and is perfectly suited to tackle several additional hard-to-treat Staphylococci-related infections.

About Debiopharm International SA

Debiopharm Group is a Swiss-based global biopharmaceutical group of four companies active in drug development, GMP manufacturing of proprietary drugs, diagnostics and investment management. Debiopharm International SA is focused on the development of prescription drugs that target unmet medical needs. The company in-licenses and develops promising drug candidates. The products are commercialized by pharmaceutical out-licensing partners to give access to the largest number of patients worldwide.

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Christelle Tur
Communication Coordinator
Tel: +41(0)21-321-01-11

Additional Media Contacts
In London
Chiara Valsangiacomo
Tel: +44(0)20-7379-5151

Russo Partners, LLC
Lena Evans
Assistant Vice President
Tel: +1-212-845-4262

SOURCE Debiopharm Group