CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Cytel Inc., a provider of clinical development services and software, today announced the establishment of a specialized team dedicated to delivery and expansion of its Quantitative Pharmacology and Pharmacometrics offering. Cytel will showcase its capabilities in this space at the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (ASCPT) Conference, March 15th – 18th in Washington, DC.
“Quantitative Pharmacology and early phase clinical data services have natural synergies since the work often relies on similar endpoints. The development of a specialist team will enable us to realize additional process improvements in data collection and analysis, and enhance the service we provide to customers.”
Cecilia Fosser Ph.D., Director Quantitative Pharmacology and Pharmacometrics (QPP) at Cytel, said, “As an established leader in biostatistics we have a track record in helping sponsors reduce their clinical trial risks. The traditional development model faces high rates of late phase failure. By using a ‘learn and confirm’ approach throughout the product life cycle, sponsors can gain a deeper understanding of a drug candidate’s properties and make better decisions, earlier. With an experienced team of clinical pharmacokineticists, pharmacometricians, and biostatisticians, we are perfectly positioned to help our biopharma customers with these efforts.”
Cytel has provided QPP services to pharmaceutical and biotechnology clients since 2007. These services will develop further with a particular focus on early phase studies, which are inherently learning- oriented and exploratory in nature.
Nand Kishore Rawat, Associate Director of Biostatistics at Cytel, explained, “Quantitative Pharmacology and early phase clinical data services have natural synergies since the work often relies on similar endpoints. The development of a specialist team will enable us to realize additional process improvements in data collection and analysis, and enhance the service we provide to customers.”
Chris Schoonmaker, VP of Biostatistics, Cytel added, “Our multi-disciplinary team brings a unique perspective to the challenges of early phase and model-informed drug development. For example, by leveraging our combined pharmacometrics and software development expertise, we have created a highly efficient approach to clinical outcomes database development, allowing sponsors to gain invaluable knowledge about a drug candidate’s key characteristics in relation to its competitors. We are able to address an array of critical projects from pharmacokinetic analysis and reporting, modeling and simulation, through to model-based meta-analyses and look forward to growing our presence in this booming area.”
The team’s services include:
Early Phase Statistical Analysis and Reporting
Pharmacometrics Analyses
PK/PD Consulting Services
Clinical Trial Outcomes Database Development
For an example of Cytel’s work in this area click here.
Delegates at the ASCPT conference are invited to meet Cytel clinical development experts at Booth 39 and attend the Symposium co-chaired by Cecilia Fosser:
Using Biomarkers to Predict Registration Endpoints- A Look Inside the Crystal Ball
10:30 am- 12:30 pm
Thursday 16th March
To pre-arrange a meeting contact
About Cytel
At Cytel, we’re shaping the future of drug development. As the world’s largest Biometrics CRO, we improve our customers’ probability of clinical development success through expert trial design and planning, efficient operational implementation and accurate data analysis. Cytel’s software for design, analysis, and execution of clinical trials is used by all leading pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical devices companies.
Liz Cole, +1 617-987-9402