The new stools feature 360° Dynamic Motion technology allowing freedom of movement that engages core muscles and helps to strengthen back muscles over time to reduce pain and fatigue.
MENOMONEE FALLS, Wis., Feb. 27, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The Brewer Company, a Wisconsin-based dental operatory seating provider, is pleased to announce the addition of the all-new Jumper and Amazone designs to its 135 Series offering - an innovative line of saddle seating solutions. Developed in partnership with Score BV, the new stools feature 360° Dynamic Motion technology, allowing freedom of movement that engages core muscles and helps to strengthen back muscles over time to reduce pain and fatigue. In North America, only Brewer offers 360° Dynamic Motion technology on all saddle stool models, which has been specially developed to help dentists and hygienists be more comfortable and productive. The new design also eases the load on back muscles by tilting the pelvis forward to enhance posture, naturally align vertebrae and disks, and relieve shoulder and neck tension. A choice of sizes and styles helps ensure an ideal personalized fit. The 135 Amazone Series features a narrower seat and low or standard cylinder heights, while the 135 Jumper Series features a standard-sized seat and standard to high cylinder heights. Both include ultra-cushion comfort and a convenient control ring just below the seat for adjusting seat height and the level of dynamic motion. “The 360° Dynamic Motion is something you want to take advantage of gradually,” notes David Bussa, Executive Vice President, The Brewer Company. “You want to limit the movement initially and increase it over time, so you can continue to strengthen your core muscles.” The adjustment ring makes it easy to fine tune the dynamic motion to the user’s personal preference. “Back pain is a pervasive issue in dentistry,” adds Bussa. “By engaging core muscles, these innovative 360° Dynamic Motion seating solutions can actively contribute to enhanced user comfort, increased productivity and extended career longevity.” About The Brewer Company Brewer has been a leading manufacturer of medical and dental equipment for more than 60 years. Based in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, Brewer offers a comprehensive line of operatory seating. For more information, visit Brewer Co | Home.
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