Web Marketing Association Again Honors Medical Mutual Web Site With Standard Of Excellence Award

CLEVELAND, Sept. 24 /PRNewswire/ -- The Web Marketing Association (WMA) once again has recognized http://www.medmutual.com/ , the Web site of Medical Mutual of Ohio, with The Standard of Excellence Award for 2003 in the WMA’s annual Web site competition. Medical Mutual also won the award in 2002.

The Web Marketing Association is the producer of the WebAward Competition. Now in its eighth year, the WebAwards is the premier annual award competition that judges Web-site development against an ever-increasing Internet standard and against peer sites within their industry.

Each WebAward entry is judged against a standard of excellence and then against other entries in the category. Judges include members of the media, advertising executives, site designers, content providers and webmasters. The Web Marketing Association was founded in 1997 to help set a high standard for Internet marketing and corporate Web development on the World Wide Web.

“This is the third major Web award we have won this year and these awards are very important to us because they provide objective third-party feedback regarding the content and usability of our site,” said Chris Hoffman, Medical Mutual’s manager of Internet Communications, “This recognition is also important because it gives us a sure indication from industry experts that our site is right on track from a usability and usefulness perspective.”

Those insured by Medical Mutual can check the status of their health insurance claims through the “My Health Plan” section of the company’s website http://www.medmutual.com/ . The Web-based application allows Medical Mutual’s 1.5 million customers to access claims and account information 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Now in its eighth year, the WebAward Competition for Web site development is conducted by the Web Marketing Association, Inc. WMA, an independent volunteer organization founded with the purpose of evaluating, recognizing and increasing the standard of excellence on the World Wide Web. Its Web site is located at http://www.webaward.org/

Founded in 1934, Medical Mutual is the oldest and largest health insurance company based in Ohio. The company serves its customers through high-quality, affordable group and personal health insurance plans, and third-party administrative services to self-insured group customers. Medical Mutual’s annual premium and service-generated revenue in 2003 was $1.9 billion. Based in Cleveland, Medical Mutual also has offices in Columbus, Cincinnati, Toledo, Akron, Dayton and Youngstown. For more information, visit the company’s award-winning Web site at http://www.medmutual.com/ .

Medical Mutual

CONTACT: Ed Byers, Senior Media Relations Specialist of Medical Mutual,+1-216-687-2685, or ed.byers@mmoh.com