Pennsylvania Breast Cancer Coalition’s Traveling Photo Exhibit To Visit Raymond M. Blasco, M.D. Memorial Library

ERIE, Pa., Feb. 24 /PRNewswire/ -- The Pennsylvania Breast Cancer Coalition (PBCC) is bringing its traveling photo exhibit “67 Women, 67 Counties: Facing Breast Cancer in Pennsylvania” to Erie from March 15 - March 26, 2005. The photo exhibit will be held on the 2nd floor of the Raymond M. Blasco, M. D. Memorial Library, 160 East Front St. in Erie.

The exhibit will kick off with an opening reception on Tuesday, March 15 at 5:00 pm. The exhibit and reception are free and open to the public. To RSVP for the reception call 1-800-377-8828, extension 303.

This educational work of art features at least one woman from each of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties, along with a message about how breast cancer has touched her life. The women reflect the diversity of Pennsylvania, and their stories reflect the impact of breast cancer on themselves, their families and their communities. The exhibit encourages women to learn about early detection and celebrates the life, courage, hope and dignity of women and families that have battled breast cancer.

Helping to bring the exhibit to Erie are representatives from the Regional Cancer Center, the American Cancer Society, the Erie Center on Health & Aging, Family Health Council, Quality Insights of Pennsylvania, Erie Metropolitan Black Yellow Pages, Sojourner Expressions and Saint Vincent Health System.

Pat Halpin-Murphy, president and founder of the Pennsylvania Breast Cancer Coalition, encourages everyone to visit the exhibit. “Breast cancer is not a rare event separate from the fabrics of our lives. It is our mothers, our daughters, our friends and ourselves. We must educate ourselves about this insidious disease and fight to find a cure now ... so our daughters won’t have to.”

“The exhibit is a wonderful opportunity to make sure that the message concerning the individual battles against breast cancer that are being fought by the families of this Commonwealth are relayed to every county,” said Leslie Anne Miller, General Counsel to Governor Edward G. Rendell and PBCC Honorary Chair. “As we look at the photographs in this exhibit and see the faces of those who are on the frontlines, we celebrate the hope that we are moving closer to finding a cure.”

“67 Women, 67 Counties: Facing Breast Cancer in Pennsylvania” is sponsored by the PBCC and funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.

The PBCC, founded in 1993, is a non-profit organization and the only statewide grassroots organization that speaks to and for breast cancer survivors. This year, more than 12,000 Pennsylvania women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. More than 2,300 will lose their lives to the disease. The PBCC’s mission is to find a cure for breast cancer and to improve the quality of breast cancer education, research and outreach in the state.

For more information on the Pennsylvania Breast Cancer Coalition or “67 Women, 67 Counties: Facing Breast Cancer in Pennsylvania” call 1-800-377-8828 or visit the website

Pennsylvania Breast Cancer Coalition

CONTACT: Jennifer Fetich of PBCC, +1-717-738-9567, x101