Neuro-Biotech Corp. - Update to Shareholders

BASEL, SWITZERLAND--(Marketwire - July 27, 2010) - Neuro-Biotech Corp. (PINKSHEETS: MRES) (OTCQB: MRES) provides update to shareholders.

As most of you have already noted that major changes have been taking place in the past months, the most noticeable one being the change of our company’s orientations. All those changes have been done with the best interest of all ordinary share holders having in mind to create a tangible value to all. With this as a priority, the board has decided to cancel all previous contracts and agreements in the mining sector as well as all other related transactions. In initiating such a mutual agreement between the board signatories and all concerned parties, all issued shares for this and all other related transactions were returned to the treasury of the company for cancellation.

The new Board of Directors and management team being formed and nominated will consist of professionals working in the scientific and medical communities. Until this process is finalized, members of the old board have remained in order to make this transition as seamless as possible. The new CEO, being a medical doctor, will assume his functions in the next 30 days.

On or about April 30, 2010, the Company signed 16 worldwide license agreements exclusively for the manufacturing and distribution of two groups of products. First, an innovative portfolio of quantitative “in vitro” diagnostic kits which offer easy detection of various molecules released within the blood for subjects suffering of stress and neuroscience -- related disorders. Second, natural brain adaptogene products -- called Neuroceuticals™, specifically designed to stimulate targeted neurotransmitters and provide health benefit effects, are ready to be introduced to the market. Details concerning these highly specialized products and all relevant scientific documentation will be published on the corporate website ( In the coming weeks, this site will be accessible in stages to shareholders, thereafter to the general public and finally, the section for the scientific community will be available at the end of the summer.

One of the most noticeable differences between us and the other companies working in the field of Nanotechnology and Biotechnology is that we don’t need to finance any further R&D (research and development), as this process has been completed during the past 30 years and our products have been tested according to standardized protocols in this domain. Therefore, R&D has been completed and the products are ready to be brought to the market. Some are already in the process of being ordered and negotiations are currently underway with several interested parties in various countries.

It was therefore urgent to form the Canadian subsidiary in order to open our laboratory within Good Laboratory Practice guidelines and our distribution center as quickly as possible to fulfill these orders in hand. Our laboratory will be recognized as a CRO (clinical research organization) in order to offer our R&D expertise on a contract basis for clinical studies in the field of neuroscience. Other foreign subsidiaries are currently under negotiation, but their purpose is commercial in nature in order to distribute our products according to the standards of each individual country.

Our corporation headquarters is based in Basel, Switzerland, closer to our target market, the “Big Pharma.” Initially, this office will be available in its simplest form, but will contain the necessary facilities for various professional groups to hold meetings and negotiations.

As will be realized, with the opening of different sections of the company’s website, and the information that becomes available, our corporate activities will be sharply focused in Diagnostic methods and kits for the evaluation of the sympathetic nervous system function. In order to respond appropriately and responsively, we are currently negotiating with IR firms specializing in these areas.

We also wish to inform our shareholders that a first attempt was launched a few years ago to market one of the tests. This first commercialization effort was neither a success nor a failure, for the following reasons: Firstly, the investment vehicle chosen, the Vancouver stock exchange, was too locally focused, while being situated in a country (Canada) which originally denied the existence of mental illnesses, by its absence at the International Commission on mental illness of the WHO (World Health Organization). Secondly, they did not meet the company’s business opportunity objectives, which created deep divisions within the ownership group, leading to the researchers’ decision to withdraw.

It should also be mentioned that these tests were so revolutionary just a few years ago, that they created a similar public reaction and controversy as “stem cell research”. Individuals were afraid that with a single drop of blood, they could be negatively identified, and that medical institutions could monitor a wide range of neuroscience and stress related disorders of the brain.

Today, in the present environment, society more than welcomes all early diagnostic testing measuring the input and output of the brain to detect any early stage of potential degeneration in the brain (ex: Alzheimer’s disease), as well as early detection of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), which was not the case 5 years ago.

As mentioned previously, the website of the corporation will answer most questions on our products. It will also explain to health professionals via scientific documentation. Until we engage the services of a specialized IR firm, please forward all requests and questions by The appropriate person will follow-up.

Forward Looking Statements

This release contains statements that are made pursuant to the Safe Harbor Provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Act of 1995. Certain statements in this press release may contain words such as “anticipates,” “believes,” “could,” “expects,” “intends,” “may,” “projects,” “targets” and other similar language that is considered forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties and persons reading this release are cautioned that such statements are only predictions, and that the Company’s actual future results or performance may be materially different. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, could cause the company’s actual results to differ materially from those indicated in any forward-looking statements.

Neuro-Biotech Corp.