WEXFORD, Penn., May 24 /PRNewswire/ -- Millennium Pharmacy Systems, Inc. (MPS), an industry leader in pharmaceutical management services to the long- term care (LTC) industry, today announced the expansion of its pharmacy management operations to central Pennsylvania. Located in Enola, Pennsylvania, this location will enable the company to serve long-term care facilities and other customers in central and eastern Pennsylvania.
“This expansion marks a major milestone in our pioneering efforts to develop and deploy the first automated medication management system that combines a solution for both patient safety and improved quality of care for residents of long term care facilities,” said Gary Duty, President and Chief Executive Officer.
Organized in early 2000 by Mr. Duty, William J. Gatti, Chairman, an industry veteran and healthcare entrepreneur, and Steven Brody, a Director with young company experience in the healthcare and IT service industries, MPS spent nearly two years developing and making its proprietary system patient- ready and fully compliant with HIPAA and all relevant industry accreditation standards.
Mr. Duty added, “The mission of MPS is to improve the safety and efficiency of closed pharmacy management operations serving the long-term care industry. To do this we needed to create a virtually error-free medication management system that reduces and in most cases eliminates the potential for errors due to human intervention in the drug dispensing process.”
The MPSRX (TM) system utilizes bar code technology, robotics for automated packaging and dispensing, and secure, internet-enabled data management and control procedures to implement its proprietary software-driven solution. Mr. Duty further commented, “With the recent FDA mandate calling for universal drug bar coding, there is a growing urgency to utilize technology to improve the hand-written, facsimile-based drug administration process currently employed by most doctors, pharmacies and healthcare facilities.”
MPS designed its medication management system to target the long-term care industry as this healthcare sector is particularly in need of the benefits its proprietary system provides. MPS management believes that no such service is presently deployed and operationally successful in this market today. The MPS market development progression outpaces a proposal from JCAHO (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations), which suggests that healthcare institutions, including long-term care and assisted living facilities, incorporate bar coding technology by January 1, 2007.
The advantages of the MPSRX(TM) solution are numerous. The most powerful is the ability to increase patient safety by greatly reducing the risks associated with medication dispensing and administration. “Studies indicate that nearly 100,000 Americans lose their lives annually due to medical mistakes,” said Duty.
Further, the MPSRX(TM) dispensing cycle greatly reduces medication waste, which can result in significant drug cost savings to facilities and payors collectively. Finally, by automating traditionally labor-intensive functions, the system reduces pharmacy costs and the risks of financial liability connected with human error.
About Millennium Pharmacy Systems
Headquartered in Wexford, PA, MPS is a pioneer in the field of medication management systems for the long-term care industry. The company utilizes advanced information handling technologies and informatics-driven dispensing logistics to provide a virtually error-free environment for managing and administering medication for residents of these facilities. For further information please visit http://www.mpsrx.com/.
Contact: Millennium Pharmacy Systems Investors/Media: Lena Sturgeon The Ruth Group Executive Vice President & COO John Capodanno (investors) 724-940-2490 646-536-7026 jcapodanno@theruthgroup.com Jason Rando (media) 646 536-7025 jrando@theruthgroup.com
Millennium Pharmacy Systems, Inc.
CONTACT: Lena Sturgeon, Executive Vice President & COO, of MillenniumPharmacy Systems, +1-724-940-2490; Investors, John Capodanno, +1-646-536-7026,or jcapodanno@theruthgroup.com, or Media, Jason Rando, +1-646-536-7025, orjrando@theruthgroup.com, both of The Ruth Group, both for Millennium PharmacySystems
Web site: http://www.mpsrx.com/