Eurobiopartnering – The Eurobio 2008 Business Convention: A True Platform For Networking And Dialogue With International Stakeholders In The Biotechnology Industry

Paris, September 22, 2008. EuroBiO 2008, (, THE Life Sciences Event of the EU Presidency awarded prestigious EU Presidency Label, will take place at the Palais des Congrès conference centre in Paris from Tuesday, October 7th to Thursday, October 9th inclusive. During these three days, the international life science community will be brought together around the Four Pillars that made the success of BIO in the US: the Conference Pillar, the Business Convention Pillar, the Exhibition Pillar, and the Career Fair Pillar.

EuroBiOpartnering will be taking place during the three days of EuroBiO. This international business convention is designed for start-ups and other small & medium-sized businesses as well as multinationals from the biotech, pharmaceutical, diagnostics, agrifood and environmental sectors, as well as investors and banks, private and public-sector research organizations or public institutions and local authorities.

Its objectives are to enable participants to contact and forge links with their future partners, obtain finance, and identify innovative projects. It also aims at boosting interest from international investors in biotechnology companies based in the Paris Region and throughout France and at encouraging new entities to relocate here.

A web portal ( / EuroBiOpartnering) is entirely dedicated to the business convention. It allows the participants, before the start of EuroBiO 2008, to introduce their companies and present their offers and requests, to identify the profiles which match their requirements, and to plan one-to-one interviews and meetings, which will take place at the EuroBiO. The website gives access to the three types of partnerting:

- Business-to-Business;

- Business-to-Technology;

- Research Funds-to-Business.

- Business-to-Business

Business-to-business partnering is the core strand of EuroBiO 2008 and brings together European, US and Asian companies. The B to B facilitates contact between future commercial collaborators, or development partners.

- Business-to-Technology

Registration enables companies to find institutions and technology transfer organisations with a huge range of projects for licensing, acquisition, or collaboration.

- Research Funds-to-Business

Awarded EU label and starting with the EU’s massive Framework 7 Program sympathetic to the administrative needs of small-to-medium-sized businesses , EuroBiO offers a direct connection to R&D funding at a European and national level. Registration enables companies to identify projects in preclinical development, orphan diseases, neurobiology they wish to lead or participate in.

About EuroBiO

Founded in 1997 on the initiative of the French Ministry of Research, the then called European Biotech Crossroads has rapidly succeeded in bringing together all the biotechnology actors and stakeholders: life science companies, start-up projects, students, researchers, private & public-sector research organizations, industry bodies, investors, consulting firms, multinationals from the biotech, pharmaceutical, diagnostics, agrifood & environmental sectors, local authorities, clusters, bioparks, bioincubators, public authorities and regulatory bodies.

In 2006, the European Biotech Crossroads took place in Paris for its 10th anniversary. Under the guidance of Eric Poincelet, former Director General of The World Life Sciences Forum BioVision and founder of BioSquare, the Event was totally transformed on this occasion and remodelled according to the US BIO structure: Four Pillars, Three Sectors, and Three Generations. To reflect this transformation into what is set to become “The European BIO”, the name EuroBiO was adopted. Over 4,000 experts already joined in the newly “revamped” EuroBiO in 2006. And over 5,000 are expected for this EU Presidency Edition 2008. EuroBiO is now a truly international event, with a prime focus on European issues. The Event is dedicated to Life Sciences in general - and in particular, to biotech’s three major fields of application - Health, Environment and Agro-industry.

The overall setting of EuroBiO 2008 was awarded to Paris and Region Ile-de-France; the concrete organization of the event is ensured by its Regional Economic Development Agency for Paris Ile-de-France (ARD) and its Partner, Package Organization.


ALIZE RP Caroline Carmagnol Tel : + 33 (0) 664 189 959

Juliette Vandenbroucque Tel : + 33 (0)1 41 22 07 32