PARIS, March 31, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- Cellvax is a French service company which provides complete in vitro & in vivo preclinical innovating services allowing to accelerate the drug development process for unmet needs related with severe human diseases, mainly in oncology field.
Cellvax was created in 2001 as a French SME by a motivated and complementary team consisting of scientists and experts in these fields. By offering its know-how and its capacity of innovation, Cellvax has successfully accomplished numerous in vitro and in vivo studies for different companies in Europe, Israel and in the world.
Cellvax’s expertise is based on its know-how in in vitro models, especially original in vivo models. These services can be offered to all laboratories involving in anti-cancer drug development process. These proposed services adapt to the validation and development of anti-cancer drug candidates and are fully validated such as sub-cutaneous and orthotopic tumors models in animals; in vitro and in vivo angiogenesis models; an original “Nodule” system, tumor invasion tests, in vivo imaging, bio-distribution, pharmacokinetics, toxicity, histological analysis, biomarker studies, ...
Cellvax is always ready to obey market evolution and to satisfy its customers’ specific needs all over the world. In order to enhance its development and continuously satisfy its customers, Cellvax has recently moved to a new laboratory facility, just on the border of Paris, inside “Ecole Nationale Veterinaire Alfort” (ENVA). The ENVA is one of the oldest and largest veterinary universities in Europe, created in 1766, with an easy access by subway. The ENVA is located on a large surface of 110 000 metres squared, with more than one thousand people (Scientists, Professors, technicians, students, ...) working here. In this new facility, Cellvax is able to provide to its customers a number of new services especially with different species of animals (mice, rats, rabbits, dogs, minipigs, etc.), spontaneous naturally-developed tumors, in vivo imaging plat-forms, MRI, Scanner, Scintigraphy, histological analysis, biomarkers.
In summary, Cellvax is able to provide to its customers the services not only in small animals, but also in large animals in a more efficient way.
CONTACT: Contact Cellvax: Ming Wei, Ph.D.: President & CEO, Ecole
Nationale Veterinaire Alfort, Telephone: +33-(0)1-43-76-32-65; Mobile:
+33-(0)6-71-43-47-51, E-mail: