CLEVELAND, March 28 /PRNewswire/ -- The Cleveland Clinic, ASM International, and the Nano-Network today announced they will partner to host the Materials, Medicine, and Nanotechnology Summit as part of Nano-Week(TM) 2006, a five-day exploration of how nanotechnology is changing our world.
The anchor event will be held Oct. 2-5 at the InterContinental Hotel and MBNA Conference Center in Cleveland and will focus on nanotechnology advancements in materials and medicine. The event is comprised of the biennial Cleveland Clinic NanoMedicine Summit and ASM’s annual Materials & Processes for Medical Devices (MPMD) Conference and Exposition.
“Holding our two successful and respected events as a blended event has resulted in a more comprehensive technical program,” said Shuvo Roy, Ph.D., Co-Director of the Clinic’s BioMEMS Laboratory. “Materials, Medicine, and Nanotechnology has evolved into a multidisciplinary scientific, applied research and networking summit for nanotechnology and MEMS researchers, biomechanical and materials scientists and engineers, surgeons and clinicians.”
The summit will feature a world-class lineup of medical device engineers, nanotechnology researchers, and the leading medical practitioners in the fields of cardiology, neurology, oncology, and orthopedics.
On Monday, Oct. 2, ASM will offer materials and process-related training courses for engineers and physicians who work with medical devices, with CME accreditation.
Tuesday, Oct. 3 will offer the first blended technical programming from the Clinic and ASM, covering the spectrum of materials-related challenges and opportunities in medicine, from traditional materials to next generation and nanomaterials.
On Wednesday, Oct. 4, and Thursday, Oct. 5, the summit will explore innovative strategies for translating recent advances in nanotechnology research into clinical practice and biomedical investigation. A focus on clinical BioMEMS and nanotechnology will drive the presentations.
Exhibits on Tuesday and Wednesday will feature advances in materials and processes for medical devices, from the standpoint of both manufacturers and suppliers.
“By providing a forum for information exchange in a multi-disciplinary environment, we’re encouraging crossover learning,” said Stan Theobald, ASM Managing Director. “Clinicians will be exposed to materials and related issues, while materials producers and medical device manufacturers can begin to understand the materials and process challenges faced in medicine. Most important, all of us will share a vision of what the future holds for medicine, as achieved through advances in MEMS and nanotechnology.”
Since 2004, Cleveland’s Nano-Network has sponsored Nano-Week, a week-long exploration and celebration of how nanotechnology is transforming medicine, materials and manufacturing. “The Cleveland Clinic’s Nano-Medicine Summit was the anchor event for Nano-Week 2004. Blending it with the ASM Materials and Processes for Medical Devices event certainly makes it the premier nanotechnology conference for medical applications worldwide. We are proud to have this conference as the centerpiece of Nano-Week 2006,” commented Chris Mather, Executive Director of the Nano-Network.
Cleveland Clinic, located in Cleveland, Ohio, is a not-for-profit multispecialty academic medical center that integrates clinical and hospital care with research and education. Cleveland Clinic was founded in 1921 by four renowned physicians with a vision of providing outstanding patient care based upon the principles of cooperation, compassion and innovation. U.S. News & World Report consistently names Cleveland Clinic as one of the nation’s best hospitals in its annual “America’s Best Hospitals” survey. Approximately 1,500 full-time salaried physicians at Cleveland Clinic and Cleveland Clinic Florida represent more than 100 medical specialties and subspecialties. In 2005, patients came for treatment from every state and 100 countries. Cleveland Clinic website address is
ASM International is the world’s leading society serving the materials science and engineering community, with more than 38,000 members worldwide. ASM provides authoritative information and knowledge on materials and processes -- from the structural to the nanoscale. Information on materials is obtained from wherever in the world it is available and distributed wherever in the world it is needed through ASM conferences and expositions, publications and handbooks, seminars and training, and the ASM website at ASM’s world headquarters is located at Materials Park, east of Cleveland in Russell Township.
The Nano-Network was formed by scientists, entrepreneurs and financiers to improve and expand nanotechnology research and commercialization activities and capacities in Northeast Ohio, and throughout the nation. The Nano-Network is one of the largest and best-known privately funded, “grass roots” nanotechnology organizations in the U.S. The Nano-Network is currently managed by NorTech (, a regional economic development organization focused on innovation, technology and entrepreneurship in Northeast Ohio. NorTech’s relationship with the Nano-Network provides the group with structure, contacts and resources to further promote nanotechnology in Ohio and the United States.
ASM International
CONTACT: Raquel Santiago, Media Relations of Cleveland Clinic Foundation,+1-216-444-4235, or; or Rego Giovanetti, CommunicationsOfficer of ASM International, +1-440-338-5151, ext. 5622,; or Kelly Coolbaugh, Director ofCommunications of NorTech, +1-216-241-8458, or