PHOENIX, Sept. 5, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Amnio Technology, LLC, a leading manufacturer of advanced regenerative allografts derived from human amniotic tissues, announced today the expansion of its product line with the launch of PalinGen® InovFlo.
PalinGen® lnovFlo is a minimally manipulated liquid allograft derived from human amniotic fluid and is intended for homologous use to supplement tissue for protection, cushioning and lubrication. The product is supplied in volumes of 0.25 cc, 0.50 cc, 1.0 cc, and 2.0 cc.
Grant D. Senner, MD, DABRM, Chief Executive Officer of Amnio Technology stated, “PalinGen® InovFlo is a compelling addition to our product portfolio. We remain committed to advancing the science of regenerative medicine and to the improvement of health outcomes.”
PalinGen® InovFlo is manufactured and regulated for human homologous allograft use under 21 CFR Part 1271 and Section 361 of the Public Health Service Act. Donor tissue is recovered using one of the safest recovery techniques and sterile equipment to minimize any bioburden contamination.
About Amnio Technology, LLC
Amnio Technology, LLC is a global leader in the development and use of amnion-derived technologies. The company is focused on optimizing the regenerative potential and clinical use of these unique tissues. PalinGen® and ProMatrX® products do not require fetal sacrifice and recovery is performed with maternal consent during elective Cesarean delivery. Donor tissue is recovered using one of the safest recovery techniques and sterile equipment to minimize bioburden contamination. The amniotic tissues are procured through a network of qualified and trained recovery partners, following stringent screening and recovery protocols in a highly-controlled processing environment. Amnio Technology enhances the gift of human birth tissue donation by developing, processing and distributing innovative allografts that provide regenerative therapies to improve quality of life.
PalinGen® and ProMatrX® products are Registered Trademarks of Amnio Technology, LLC.
Amnio Technology, LLC
22510 N 18th Drive
Phoenix, AZ 85027
Phone: 888.232.8550
Fax: 888.232.6750
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