RIO DE JANEIRO, Feb. 28, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Amil Participacoes S.A. (BM&FBovespa: AMIL3; Bloomberg: AMIL3 BZ and APAR <GO>; Reuters: AMIL3 SA), the largest healthcare company in Brazil, in accordance with CVM Instruction 358, of January 3, 2002, informs that it signed an agreement with Diagnosticos da America S.A. (“DASA”) for the outsourcing of laboratory tests of clinical analysis, currently done by our own diagnostics unit (Foccus/ Total) in Sao Paulo inside our hospitals and medical centers, with exclusivity for DASA.
The amounts per test to be paid for DASA in this outsourcing will be approximately 10% lower compared to the unit cost currently obtained at our own diagnostics unit, resulting in a reduction of around R$ 7 million per year.
Additionally, Amil will receive a 5% discount on its prices actually charged by DASA’s services, due to Amilpar’s members usage of DASA’s service units, which represents economies of approximately R$ 7.5 million per year, during 15 years.
Furthermore, based on the contract currently in place for laboratory services, Amilpar maintains its progressive discounts based on volume.
DASA will pay R$ 9.7 million for the exclusivity in conducting clinical analysis tests in the units subject of this agreement, which will be enough to cover all costs related to the closure of this unit (Foccus/ Total), as layoffs and terminations costs.
Therefore, Amilpar will benefit from the reduction in its clinical costs, without the maintenance of an infrastructure limited by the lack of economies of scale.
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IR Contact | |
Erwin Kleuser | |
Investor Relations Officer | |
Phone: +55 (21) 3805-1155 | |
About Amilpar
Amil Participacoes S.A. is the largest healthcare company in Brazil, according to the ANS, currently assisting over 5 million members in the states of Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Parana, Minas Gerais, Pernambuco, Bahia, Rio Grande do Norte and in Distrito Federal. It is also the managed care organization with the largest provider network in the country, including over (i) 3,600 hospitals; (ii) 62,000 polyclinics and outpatient facilities; and (iii) 11,200 laboratories and diagnostic imaging centers.
SOURCE Amilpar