8 Essential Job Interview Tips

8 Essential Job Interview Tips Tongue-tied at the Job Interview? Eight Essential Job Interview Tips
By Carole Martin, Interview Coach

You are not alone if you find yourself caught off guard and tongue-tied when asked those difficult interview questions. Most people get nervous. Preparation will make a huge difference in your confidence level. Imagine making a presentation before a group without any preparation? By preparing you will be more focused and feel more confident and in control.

Here are Eight Essential Tips you can use to help you get focused, feel confident and in control.

1. Stay Focused

Regardless of the reason, your job right now is to find a job. Don’t let personal distractions keep you from putting in the hours necessary to continue your search. Think of this as “going to work.” Do research on companies, industries, and positions. Knowledge is power. And, power gives you confidence – something you will need to succeed in the interview.

2. Know Your Product – You – What You Have To Offer

Pre-interview exercises will help you feel more prepared and confident about answering difficult questions: Prepare answers for those open-ended questions, like: “Tell me about yourself.” This type of question requires some focus on your part. Prepare for open-ended questions by making a list of your skills and traits that match the employer’s requirements. The closer your skills and traits match, the better chance you have of landing the job. When you leave the interviewer – he or she should have a clear picture of who you are and what you have to offer.

3. Be Prepared To Sell Yourself – To Brag.

Interviewing is about selling. Take the word “brag” out of your head – you are informing the interviewer – not bragging.

• Tell the interviewer what you can do for them – emphasize what you can bring to the company, department, or position.

• Give them reasons to buy – hire you.

• Convince them that your product – you – is better than the competition.

4. Look into their Eyes

Eye contact is one of the most important aspects of nonverbal communication. When you look away when speaking to someone it is viewed as lacking confidence or interest. If you have a problem looking into the eyes of the interviewer, try looking at the “third eye” right above and between the two eyes. Eye contact will make a significant difference in your presentation.

5. Don’t Ramble – Be Succinct

One common mistake that candidates make when interviewing is talking too much – rambling. It is important that you listen to the question asked and answer that question. Keep your answers to two to three minutes at the most. When you limit your time you tend to stay more focused. Watch the interviewer’s eyes – if they “glaze over” you have lost them.

6. Listen To What Is Being Asked

Most candidates are so nervous about answering the questions correctly that they forget to listen. .Listening is one of the most underutilized skills used by candidates in the interview.

• Listen through your eye contact – stay with the person.

• Listen with your nonverbal expressions – nodding and appearing interested.

• Listen until the speaker is finished – do not interrupt.

By focusing on what is being said you can gather valuable information which will help you formulate better, more intelligent, answers and questions of your own.

7. Be Prepared – Put Together A Reference List Ahead Of Time

An important step in putting together your reference list is to ask the person’s permission to use his or her name. While you’re at it, ask how they prefer to be contacted. Put together a list of three to five people with their contact information. If you send them a copy of your resume they will be aware of what you are saying about yourself.

8. Stay Positive – Even When You Aren’t Feeling That Way

It’s difficult to remain upbeat in a tough job market. When you begin to feel like it’s not working, take some steps to turn your thinking around. Take time out to take a walk or go to a fun movie. It may be just what the “doctor” ordered to get you feeling relaxed and at ease. Isolating yourself and waiting for the phone to ring is the worst way to handle negative thoughts. Getting together with friends, and having a support system will help you to laugh and keep going.

Searching for a job is not easy. You may find your emotions rising and falling like a roller coaster. It’s important that you keep your morale up during this period of job search.

Read more biotech career tips. Find more biotech and pharma jobs by visiting the career center.

About the Author

The Interview Coach, Carole Martin, is a celebrated author, job coach, and speaker on the subject of interviewing and recruiting. Carole is using her proven methods for coaching job seekers on competitive interviewing skills in technical and non-technical industries. www.interviewcoach.com

Follow The Interview Coach on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn at http://www.interviewcoach.com/blog to learn about current workshops and seminars Carole is offering.

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