5 Elements of a Mediocre Resume – Hello Again, Trash Can …
By Jessica Holbrook Hernandez, Expert Resume Writer
Has a lackluster resume response rate left you wondering if your resume or the job market is to blame for your shortage of interviews? Take a quick look at my list of five basics of a mediocre resume to help determine if your resume is to blame for your interview famine.
Mediocre Resume Component #1 – A vanilla, undistinguished introduction or profile. If the introductory statement on your resume could describe someone else—anyone else besides you—then you haven’t branded or customized your introductory statement well enough.
Mediocre Resume Component #2 – An omitted job target or job title. By neglecting to include a job title or target job position at the beginning of your resume you’re making the employer guess which position you’re applying to and what you’re qualified to do.
Mediocre Resume Component #3 – A schizophrenic keyword issue. A keyword, core competency/core skills section that lists out keywords in bulleted form at the top of the resume is great. Unless those keywords bounce between multiple industries and positions. In which case you’re just confusing the hiring manager. Confusing resumes end up in the trash can.
Mediocre Resume Component #4 – Unremarkable, run-of-the-mill content. Even the best performance and greatest results can look unexceptional when written in passive terms. Avoid the trap of writing duties- and responsibility-based content. Instead, position yourself as the desirable candidate by writing challenge, action, results statements that prove your value and significance.
Mediocre Resume Component #5 – Insufficient Personal Branding. Sought-after candidates are those who best market their knowledge, skills, and abilities to the needs of the employer. Submit resumes that reveal your ability to surpass the need of the employer. By doing so you’re positioning yourself as the preferred candidate.
I hope you’ll take these five points and review your resume for opportunities for improvement. Ultimately, the goal is to create a resume that generates interviews for the position you want.
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About the Author
Jessica Hernandez, is a resume authority for the Job Talk America radio program and multi-published expert author for resume, career, and job search publications. She boasts more than ten years in human resources management and hiring for Fortune 500 companies and utilizes her extensive experience to support job seekers in their quest to move onward and upward in their careers. Find out more at Great Resumes Fast.
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