Xcellerex, Inc. Initiates Phase I Clinical Trial of Novel Yellow Fever Vaccine

MARLBOROUGH, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Xcellerex, Inc. today announced that it has initiated a Phase I clinical trial of XRX-001, a novel, prophylactic vaccine against yellow fever, a tropical virus disease that is often fatal. The company is developing the vaccine to prevent yellow fever in persons traveling to tropical countries where yellow fever is endemic. The only currently available yellow fever vaccine is an attenuated, live vaccine with rare but potentially serious adverse effects. XRX-001 is an inactivated virus vaccine adsorbed to alum adjuvant. Because it is inactivated and non-replicating, it is anticipated to significantly reduce the risks of serious and fatal adverse events that are sometimes associated with the live yellow fever vaccine. In addition, the absence of foreign proteins derived from hens’ eggs should also reduce the risk of allergic reactions and eliminate the need to exclude egg-allergic people from vaccination. In addition, Xcellerex believes that the XRX-001 vaccine should not be subject to the precautions and contraindications of the currently marketed live vaccine. These precautions and contraindications, which are all related to potential serious outcomes of replicating live virus infection, include age <9 months or >65 years, immune suppression due to thymectomy, HIV/AIDS, cancer, treatment with immunosuppressive medications or radiation, and pregnancy.