Trevigen launches Cultrex® 24 Well Cell Invasion Assay kits to quantify the degree to which invasive cells penetrate either basement membrane extract, collagen I, collagen IV, or laminin I, in vitro. The kit uses Calcein AM to assay invasive properties of cells in response to stimulators or inhibitors.
Utilizing a simplified Boyden chamber design with individual 8 µm polyester membrane inserts, the 24 well format allows users to independently coat with a matrix of their choice and assess cell responses to varying thicknesses and dilutions of the matrix. For more information, contact Trevigen by phone at 800-873-8443, email or visit the website
About Trevigen: Trevigen is a long standing provider of quality kits and reagents for researchers investigating programmed cell death, DNA damage and repair, cell differentiation and angiogenesis. Trevigen recently launched Cell Invasion Assays as part of it Cultrex® product line.