Therap’s disability software offers tools for targeted case management and managed care for the I/DD and LTSS communities
Therap’s disability software offers tools for targeted case management and managed care for the I/DD and LTSS communities
WATERBURY, Conn., Feb. 25, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Therap‘s Case Management tool allows case managers to view information recorded for the individuals that they provide case management to across multiple provider agencies, while giving them the ability to document on individuals they may need to view within their own agencies. Through a combination of user types, profiles and caseloads pertinent to the case management system, users are able to sort the data that is relevant to them and to the individuals they support, whether at their own agency, or across multiple agencies where support coordination or case management is provided.
The case management interface features a multi-purpose design that allows case managers to view documents and data for individuals receiving services at various provider agencies, and also record documentation on individuals within their own managed care organization (MCOs). Each case manager can utilize up to four distinct profiles to partition what caseloads and roles they are assigned within their account. When logged into Therap, case managers can view person-centric information including service plans, individualized case notes, incident reports, medication administrations and other health records ranging from doctor’s appointments and scheduled lab tests to immunizations and active allergies. Therap brings a level of communication, transparency and flexibility to conflict-free case management with its new case management tools. The interface is already utilized in several statewide implementations and Therap is already used by providers in all 50 states and globally. Therap has a rapid state implementation team experienced in transitioning state departments and divisions looking for an immediate software solution/electronic platform that is data-driven, person-centered, and aligned with Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) policies.
About Therap
Therap’s HIPAA compliant Developmental Disabilities software applications are used in home and community-based services (HCBS) for documentation, communication and reporting and by the broader Longer Term Supports and Services (LTSS) community. Therap offers comprehensive single software solutions for individuals, families, providers, states, counties and international funders and governments focused on data driven outcomes, quality assurance, and tracking data and documentation efficiently from the point-of-service through billing and audits.
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