The Day In Review: Pfizer Inc. Buys Out Exubera Partner

January 13, 2006 – Pfizer paid $1.3 billion to own 100% of Exubera, an inhaled form of insulin, buying out the interest of its partner Sanofi-Aventis; Boston Scientific upped its bid for Guidant by a $1, and JNJ is expected to increase its offer; the FDA asked Genelabs for an additional Phase III test of Prestara, a lupus therapy; Genmab AS will seek to raise $234 million in a secondary offering; Canadian biotech Cipher Pharma won approval for CIP-Fenobirate, a hyperlipidemia therapy; Draxis Health received FDA approval for Sodium Iodide I-131, an oral capsule taken to perform a radioactive uptake test; and Schering-Plough began a test of low-dose Peg-Intron in patients suffering from hepatitis C and HIV. The Centient Biotech 200™ was 17 points higher at 4018.92, a rise of .42%. More details...