Syrris Increases The Flexibility Of Its Atlas Jacketed Reactor Systems

Royston, UK (10th June 2010) – Leading chemistry product innovator, Syrris, has developed optional upgrades to its range of Atlas automated synthesis systems. The introduction of new stainless steel reactors and a high temperature upgrade kit has increased system flexibility, making the Atlas product range suitable for a broader spectrum of applications.

Using the same jacketed vessel clamp, oil drain unit and fluid pipe connectors as the Atlas Potassium system, the standard glass vessel can be effortlessly exchanged for the stainless steel version in under a minute. Available in a range of sizes from 100 ml to 5 L, an integrated bottom outlet valve compensates for any thermal expansion, while the torispherical profile and consistent length to diameter ratio mimic the dimensions of large-scale plant reactors. Ideal for use with sodium hydroxide and other highly basic substances that would etch glass, the incorporation of the stainless steel vessel further increases the flexibility and usability of the Atlas range.

The development of a new temperature upgrade kit has also enabled the Atlas glass or stainless steel jacketed reactors to increase the existing temperature range of -80 to +200 °C, to allow a limit of +250 °C, making it suitable for high temperature applications. All upgrade parts are easily installed by the user, without the need for any tools.

For further information about the Atlas product range capabilities, such as pH monitoring and control, reaction calorimetry, crystallization, FT-IR analysis, etc. please visit

Syrris Limited

Established in 2001, Syrris Limited is one of the fastest growing science SMEs in the UK employing over 30 scientists and engineers at its facility in Royston (near Cambridge). Founders Mark Gilligan and Richard Gray come from a background of developing automation products for chemists at companies such as The Technology Partnership (TTP) and Mettler Toledo.

Syrris develops laboratory automation products for chemists such as the Atlas automated chemistry systems. Atlas can be configured into a wide range of different systems including Lithium and Sodium for round bottom flasks (magnetically and overhead stirred respectively) and Potassium for jacketed vessels. Other Atlas systems, designed for specific applications, including calorimetry, volumetric dosing, gravimetric dosing, pH, etc, are also available.

Syrris also specialise in flow reactors for R&D chemists, including FRX: a low cost flow chemistry system and Africa (Automated Flow Reaction Incubation and Control Apparatus): a modular system for library synthesis, aqueous work-up and reaction optimization that will ultimately reduce the time taken to develop, synthesize, screen and review a chemical entity, thus vastly speeding up the drug discovery process.

In recognition of its technological achievements, Syrris has been awarded a prestigious UK DTI SMART Exceptional Grant. Syrris has also won a significant DTi MNT (Micro and Nano Technology) award which has been used to establish a new subsidiary called The Dolomite Centre Ltd. This company is focused on design and fabrication of Microfluidic devices for a wide range of applications.