RADLogics™ announced today at RSNA’s annual meeting that Russia-based BinomixRay has selected the RADLogics Virtual Resident™ AI solution for improving CT and X-ray diagnostics at its medical facilities in Russi
CHICAGO, Dec. 2, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- RADLogics™ announced today at RSNA’s annual meeting that Russia-based BinomixRay has selected the RADLogics Virtual Resident™ AI solution for improving CT and X-ray diagnostics at its medical facilities in Russia. The Virtual Resident™ AI solution is commercially available in Russia and is not available for sale in the United States. BinomixRay and RADLogics have signed a commercial agreement for the provision of the Virtual Resident AI solution, which creates initial CT and X-ray analytics within seconds to help radiologists achieve more precise diagnostics while saving substantial interpretation time. BinomixRay is a fast-developing, innovative company established in partnership with Lobachevsky State University, one of Russia’s largest institutes of higher education. “In the era of innovation, the only bottleneck in diagnosing a disease is the human factor,” says Arie Povolotski, BinomixRay’s Chief Executive Officer. “I believe that the introduction of RADLogics AI solution can potentially improve the accuracy, quality, and speed of medical imaging diagnosis, which will increase the level of medical services provided to patients.” RADLogics cloud-based Virtual Resident AI solution uses machine learning image analysis algorithms to search and analyze imaging data from CTs, MRIs, PET-CT, and X-rays to provide consistent, objective measurements and numeric characterization of findings. With this clinical decision support solution, radiologists can potentially realize decreased image interpretation and report creation times, as seen in a recent research study completed at UCLA, and published by Academic Radiology. Virtual Resident is not available in the U.S. “We are honored to be one of the first companies to provide commercial AI solutions for the Russian medical imaging market,” says RADLogics’ CEO and Co-Founder Moshe Becker. Our partnership with BinomixRay allows us to streamline the introduction of our solutions to the Russian market while having a positive impact on radiologists and patients alike.” For more information about Virtual Resident, BinomixRay, and RADLogics, visit RSNA Booth 10932 or contact Lynn Humphreys. ABOUT RADLOGICS MEDIA CONTACT SOURCE RADLogics |