Plasticell Delivers Differentiation Protocols to Stemnion, Inc.

August 03, 2011 -- Plasticell, the biotechnology company specialising in high throughput technologies for directed stem cell differentiation, has announced the successful completion of a collaboration with Stemnion, Inc. (Pittsburgh, PA), a US biotechnology company focused on the applications of stem cells derived from human placentas.

Plasticell used its flagship technology CombiCult™ to discover multiple novel, serum-free protocols that direct the differentiation of Stemnion’s stem cells into hard-to-obtain lineages. The protocols were ranked using Plasticell’s Ariadne™ bioinformatics software and subsequently validated by Stemnion scientists.

“Using CombiCult™’s combinatorial technology, we identified several differentiation protocols for our cells at a fraction of the time, resources and cost compared to conventional trial-and-error methods,” said Randall Rupp, Vice-President, Manufacturing and Development, Stemnion, Inc.

“This project once again demonstrates the flexibility and the power of CombiCult™ to push the differentiation of adult stem cells into various lineages,” said Dr. Lilian Hook, Director of Research at Plasticell. “Stemnion provided us with a challenge that is typical of adult stem cell R&D programmes, however this project was particularly interesting on several fronts, including, for the first time, utilising placenta-derived stem cells as the starting cell-type.”


Stemnion, Inc. Is a biomedical regenerative medicine company developing novel cell-based therapeutic products. Stemnion, Inc. is based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylavania (USA).

About Plasticell

Plasticell is a biotechnology company that specialises in using massively parallel screens to differentiate stem cells.

The company’s proprietary technology, Combinatorial Cell Culture™ (CombiCultTM), allows testing of cell culture variables in random combinations to discover optimal laboratory protocols for the differentiation of adult or pluripotent stem cells.

Plasticell provides services to, and forms strategic alliances with, industry partners to produce high value cell lines for drug discovery and cell therapy applications.

For more information visit the Plasticell website:

For confidential technical enquiries please contact Dr Lilian Hook on 00 44 7811 168 177 or email:

For media enquiries, please contact Tristan Jervis on 00 44 207 861 3019 or e-mail: