Follow-on Reykjavik/Moorfields study demonstrates importance of wide-field imaging with 56% of 573 patients showing evidence of AMD-related changes in the retinal periphery
LONDON, UK, 6 May 2010 – Optos plc (LSE: OPTS), a leading medical retinal imaging company, today presents the results of two significant clinical studies.
Optos’s scanning laser ophthalmoscope devices, the P200, P200C and P200MA have been used in a number of clinical studies, aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of an optomap ultra-widefield retinal scan in detecting potentially harmful lesions in the retina. In particular, these studies aimed to show the importance of examining the periphery of the retina and that the optomap exam should and could become the standard of care. At this week’s annual meeting of The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) in Fort Lauderdale, posters were presented giving updates on two important studies.
NECO Study
This week, results were presented from a study conducted by doctors at the New England College of Optometry (NECO).
170 patients aged between 31and 65 first underwent an optomap examination using the Optos P200C device. The patients’ eyes were then dilated and they underwent traditional examinations by two different examiners, one referring to the optomap image in conjunction with the traditional examination. Lesions detected by traditional and optomap examinations were recorded independently and discrepancies were adjudicated by a retinal specialist.
Results show that image-assisted examination using the Optos ultra-wide field P200C had a greater capability to detect retinal lesions compared to traditional ophthalmoscopy by approximately 30%.
Kristen Brown, OD, FAAO, the Principal Investigator to the study, said: “These results confirm what we had seen in our pilot study, that image-assisted ophthalmoscopy enhances our ability to detect retinal pathology. This helps us to make a difference, one patient at a time. This study illustrates that technology can help us to improve the care we give our patients.”
Reykjavik / Moorfields Study
On Wednesday Dr Tunde Peto of Moorfields Hospital, London presented the results of the Reykjavik 12-year Follow-Up Eye Study.
The initial aim of the Reykjavik Eye Study was to establish the incidence of cataract, glaucoma and age-related macular diseases in Reykjavik, Iceland, by type and grade and to search for risk factors. Optos was invited to take part in the follow-up study as the Optos P200 wide-field imaging technology has the potential to detect changes that may be associated with disease in the periphery of the retina. This might be an important predictor of central vision damage.
This is the first study to employ systematic analysis of digital retinal images for a genetically well-characterised population based study. The study on 573 participants (aged 72 and older) involved taking two retinal images, the first using conventional digital fundus images (CDI) and the second using the Optos P200C AF device that generates ultra wide field (200°) colour and auto-fluorescence (AF) images.
The study found that 56% of participants had symptoms on the periphery of the retina with features that are normally associated with AMD. Seven participants had changes on the periphery without end-stage disease in the macula. No-one with end-stage disease in the macula had a normal retinal periphery.
The study confirmed that there are wide ranging pathological retinal changes in the periphery even in those who have no central pathologies. The predictive values for these peripheral pathologies will be further investigated.
Commenting, Dr Peto, of Moorfields Hospital, London, said “With the optomap, we now have the ability to visualize the peripheral retina at the same time that we see the macular area. Potentially this gives us an unprecedented opportunity to evaluate the contribution of the peripheral changes to age related diseases.”
Roy Davis, CEO of Optos, commented: “We are delighted to be working with leading academic researchers in both Europe and North America. These studies further increase our belief in the value of the optomap digital eye examination in providing an accurate diagnosis of diseases and pathologies that present in the retina. Furthermore, these studies make clear the need to conduct further research into both the periphery and the centre of the retina.”
Optos plc +44 (0)1383 843 316
Roy Davis, CEO
Christine Soden, CFO
Financial Dynamics +44 (0) 207 831 3113
Ben Atwell
About Optos Plc
Optos plc is a leading retinal imaging company. Our vision is to be recognised as the leading provider of retinal diagnostics through leveraging our unique wide-field imaging technology. Both eye and non-eye diseases often first exhibit in the periphery of the retina. These are very difficult to detect clinically with conventional examination equipment and techniques. Optos’ devices produce ultra wide-field, high resolution images of approximately 82% of the retina, something no other device is capable of doing in any one image. The images provide optometrists and ophthalmologists with enhanced clinical information which facilitates the early detection, management and treatment of disorders and diseases evidenced in the retina such as retinal detachments and tears, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration. Retinal imaging can also indicate evidence of non-eye or systemic diseases such as hypertension and certain cancers. Optos has a range of medical devices that support different customer segments and patient levels: the P200 device is concentrated on wellness screening carried out by optometrists and ophthalmologists in primary care; the P200C device is designed to meet the need for more exacting clinical imaging capabilities and standards in secondary care within the ophthalmology market and at optometric practices that are clinically managing a patient base with advanced ocular disease; and the P200MA device supports retinal specialists, working primarily with a diabetic patient base, in the medical care market through an advanced medical angiography procedure. Optos’ technology provides an unequalled combination of wide-field retinal imaging, speed and convenience for the practitioner and patient resulting in more targeted treatment regimes and improved patient outcomes. 75% of all blindness can be treated or prevented if diagnosed early enough and our Optos technology supports this objective.
For more information please visit our website www.optos.com_