The Ohio Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics (Ohio AAP) works to protect children of all ages and keep our communities safe and strong by ensuring parents have the knowledge, skills and resources to care for their children as they move from infancy through adolescence.
COLUMBUS, Ohio, April 27, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Ohio Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics (Ohio AAP) works to protect children of all ages and keep our communities safe and strong by ensuring parents have the knowledge, skills and resources to care for their children as they move from infancy through adolescence. In support of National Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month, the Ohio AAP is working with the Ohio Children’s Trust Fund (OCTF) to raise awareness through their #30MinuteHeroes campaign.
“More than 18,000 reports of child abuse and/or neglect were recorded in Ohio last year, equating to about one report every 30 minutes,” said Kristen Rost, executive director, OCTF. “Thirty minutes or less is also the time it takes to step up and be an everyday hero for families in need, whether by volunteering, advocating, or simply providing support to a friend, family member or neighbor. All of us can be #30MinuteHeroes.”
This year, the Ohio AAP and OCTF are asking all Ohioans to join our cause and remember that everyone can be a hero in the fight against child abuse and neglect. Supporters can increase their impact and raise awareness by sharing their pledge on social media using the hashtag #30MinuteHeroes and tagging friends with a challenge to make their own pledge.
“Social connections and supports play a critical role in easing the stress of parenting,” said Melissa Wervey Arnold, CEO of Ohio AAP. “Whether you know a new mom who is exhausted by caring for an infant who isn’t sleeping at night, or the parent of a teen who is struggling to find his or her way, by making connections and offering support you absolutely can make a difference for that family and be a hero in the community you live in.”
For additional information, visit or To anonymously report suspected child abuse or neglect 24/7 in Ohio, call 1-855-OH-CHILD.
The Ohio AAP promotes the health, safety and well-being of children and adolescents so they may reach their full potential. The Ohio AAP works to accomplish this by addressing the needs of children, their families, and their communities, and by supporting Chapter members through advocacy, education, research, and improving the systems through which they deliver pediatric care.