Resonance Science Foundation announces that Nassim Haramein, Founder and Director of Research will be speaking at the 17th Annual Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles on February 23, 2019.
LOS ANGELES, /PRNewswire/ -- Resonance Science Foundation announces that Nassim Haramein, Founder and Director of Research will be speaking at the 17th Annual Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles on February 23, 2019. Haramein’s talk “The Universe and You” will be presented as a Keynote Workshop, on Saturday, February 23, 8:00pm - 9:30pm at the LAX Hilton. Haramein will also be featured in a post-conference discussion “Consciousness and The Human Antenna” on Monday, February 25 – 5:00pm - 7:30pm. Tickets and information can be found here. In his talk, Nassim Haramein will present new research results on the exploration of the source of consciousness and demonstrate some of the technologies that are emerging as a result. He will discuss the source of consciousness, a fundamental mystery since the beginning of time, as a result of having a new understanding of the universe. For almost two decades physicists have been looking for the source of dark matter and dark energy. The current conventional equations only predict 4% of the mass of the universe, the rest being an unknown substance described as dark matter and dark energy. Haramein has applied his holographic equations to the universal scale and was able to predict the exact critical mass of the universe without the help or the need to incorporate dark matter and dark energy as part of the new emerging physics. The Resonance Science Foundation will be located at Booth # 502 at Conscious Life Expo. About Nassim Haramein About Conscious Life Expo About Resonance Science Foundation Media Contact:
SOURCE Resonance Science Foundation |