The NIH has notified NanoValent Pharmaceuticals that a $100,000 grant for development of a pneumonic plague vaccine has been renewed for a second year. This represents a total of $200,000 in grant funding the NIH has dedicated to NanoValent’s vaccine development efforts. Additionally, NanoValent has received as matching funds, a $274,000 grant from The Montana Board of Research and Technology Commercialization to drive pneumonic plague vaccine development efforts. The Company has generated positive animal efficacy data in various mouse models, and plans to generate additional animal efficacy data in a second animal model before initiating a phase I human clinical trial.
NanoValent is commercializing the Polymerized Liposomal Nanoparticle (PLN) drug delivery platform. The Firm provides custom drug delivery services to private pharmaceutical and academic organizations. NanoValent is currently using proceeds from its custom drug delivery service business to drive three internal development programs. These include a PLN vaccine against Yersinia pestis (NANO-VX), SN38 loaded PLNs to treat Ewing’s Sarcoma (NANO-01), and drug loaded PLNs to treat pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (NANO-03).