Molecular Insight Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Initiates Phase 2a Azedra(TM) Clinical Trial in Neuroblastoma Patients

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Molecular Insight Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: MIPI) announced today that it has initiated a Phase 2a clinical trial of Azedra (Ultratrace™ iobenguane I-131 or Ultratrace MIBG) for the treatment of children with high-risk neuroblastoma, a neuroendocrine cancer that primarily affects children. Azedra is already being evaluated in an ongoing dose-ranging clinical trial for pheochromocytoma in adults. Azedra is a targeted radiotherapeutic comprised of the known I-131 MIBG molecule radiolabeled using Molecular Insight’s proprietary Ultratrace technology, which removes unnecessary nonradioactive molecules, or cold contaminants, to maximize therapeutic potential.