Medifocus Announces That It Has Received Approval for Its Amended Phase III Clinical Trial for Treatment of Breast Cancer from Health Canada

COLUMBIA, Md. & VANCOUVER--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Medifocus Inc. (OTC:MDFZF.PK and TSXV:MFS) is pleased to announce that it has received approval from Health Canada to amend its pivotal Phase III study design and clinical protocol to conform to the study design and clinical protocol as approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA for the Company’s pivotal Phase III clinical trial on treatment of breast cancer. Medifocus received the full Investigational Testing Authorization (ITA) from Health Canada to initiate the pivotal Phase III trial in Canada in June 2009 and also received the Investigational Device Exemption to initiate the same pivotal trial in the USA from the FDA in March, 2010.