Maya Elisabeth Co-Founder of Whoopi & Maya to Moderate Wellness, Women & Cannabis at CWCBExpo Los Angeles

Cannabis products uniquely designed for women is a growing product category that will be highlighted at the Cannabis World Congress & Business Exposition (CWCBExpo) in Los Angeles, CA.

PARAMUS, N.J., /PRNewswire/ -- Cannabis products uniquely designed for women is a growing product category that will be highlighted at the Cannabis World Congress & Business Exposition (CWCBExpo) in Los Angeles, CA. Taking place September 26-29, 2018 at the LA Convention Center, the 5th Annual CWCBExpo will feature a “Wellness, Women & Cannabis,” panel led by Maya Elisabeth, Co-Founder, of Whoopi & Maya, a brand of medical cannabis products co-founded by Whoopi Goldberg and geared towards women who experience menstrual discomfort.

CWCBExpo is the only event in Los Angeles that features products and education on all aspects of the legalized marijuana industry--adult use and medicinal--as well as industrial hemp. “Wellness, Women & Cannabis,” on Friday, Sept. 28th, is part of the CWCBExpo robust conference program that provides end-to-end education for those just entering the cannabis business and for established businesses looking to advance to the next level in cultivation, processing and retailing.

“It has taken a long time, but with cannabis, the education piece is so important. People have been told things that are not necessarily true about cannabis,” said Maya Elisabeth. “I view cannabis as a healing herb and superfood.”

Panelist scheduled for the “Wellness, Women & Cannabis,” include Mistress Matisse, Nina Parks, and Ashley Asatu. The session will explore how the budding female marijuana flower can increase wellness in women while easing many of the discomforts unique to half the population. Cannabis products uniquely designed for women that promote self-care, sensuality and the sustainability of a woman’s health will be discussed.

More CWCBExpo LA highlights include:

-Industry Update: “The Impending End of Prohibition What It Means for Investment and Business” with Troy Dayton, Arcview Group, and Keynote Address by Steve DeAngelo, Harborside Health Center.

-Add-on Workshops providing in-depth information on: Open a Cannabis Business;

Advanced Cannabis Investment Workshop; Cannabis Retailing: Beyond the Basics

The Secret Sauce: Developing IP and Production Best Practices with the incredibles Kitchen & Extraction Laboratory; Growing Organic Cannabis; and California Deep Dive: An Evolving Cannabis Regulatory Landscape

-Conference sessions led by credible strategists, investors, scientists, technologists, entrepreneurs and California policy makers sharing their knowledge on: “Regulation: Where We Were, Where We Are, and Where We are Going;" “Cannabis Banking: An Idea Whose Time Has Come;" “The Future Grow Room: How Science is Changing Cultivation Practices;" “Precision Dosing: The Knowns & Unknowns;" “New Strategies for 280E;" " and “Defining the New High: Flavor, Function, and Experience;" and more topics relevant to today’s evolving cannabis landscape.

-Networking Mixer and Industry Party at The Grammy Museum to strengthen relationships, continue to make deals and build business connections.

Pre-show registration rates can be found at For more information visit

Contacts: Fred Polsinelli,, 646-306-7413
Annie Scully,, 201-310-9252

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