Marketing Secrets for a New Job

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Marketing Secrets for a New Job By Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter,

Have you ever watched a particular performance and then wondered how that person became so popular? After all, you may have thought, there is nothing exceptionally astonishing about the way they sing, dance, act, play a musical instrument or tell a joke. You know for a fact that there are likely thousands of individuals who could perform at least at the level of what you are witnessing, yet none of them have achieved even a smattering of the acclaim this person has.

One word can typically sum up the reasons for this: marketing!

If you want to be a star, you must create buzz. This is true whether your sights are on Carnegie Hall or the next job opportunity in your chosen biopharmaceutical career. Following are five great ways to market yourself in the workforce to help you become the “next big thing:”

1. Generate Buzz Through a Storyboard Resume.

Is your resume a blockbuster film that will have all of the critics talking, or a straight-to-video documentary? If it’s the latter, and you’re not sure how to make more of it than you have, consider partnering with a professional “agent” that may be able to tell your story better than you can. Tune into the adage about “tooting your own horn” to be reminded of the importance of having someone speak for you. With very few exceptions, most entertainment personalities must rely heavily on those they hired to get the word out, regardless of their talent. Why should your biopharmaceutical career search be any different?

2. Hang Out With the Stars.

To be recognized, you have to be seen. Be on the lookout for biotech events and gatherings that attract those you want to be seen by, and then be there as well. Being a part of local events, charities and professional associations is a great way to make contacts that otherwise may never have been made. If you’re currently employed, seek out projects with star performers and influencers and then jump in, feet first to become a key contributor–show them your value.

3. Stay in Touch.

Let those you’ve worked for in the past know you’re ready for the next role. They may not personally have anything available, but the chances are, they know someone in the industry who does. Channeling these past successful relationships for your future success is a sure-fire way to keep your name on the “A” list.

4. Be Willing to Accept Smaller Roles.

Many successful people have had to take bit parts just to keep the bills paid while waiting for another starring role. These smaller parts also help to keep hard-earned skills honed. Don’t allow pride to get in the way of keeping your career afloat while you maintain a weather eye on the horizon.

5. Be Searchable.

The Internet is making overnight stars out of everyone from newborns to pets. Get in on the action by making certain that whatever you bring to the table can quickly be found. There are a host of outlets available to the job seeker, so find the one that works best for you, and prepare to dazzle your intended audience.

Following these few simple tricks of the marketing trade is sure to increase your “star power” and leave your audience in awe.

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