Hard To Treat Diseases Incorporated Comments on Recent Movement Of Its Security

Company open letter and message to its shareholders and followers of HTDS

SHENZHEN, China, Dec. 11 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Hard to Treat Diseases (HTDS) http://www.htdsmedical.com the company has been asked to comment on recent activity in its stock price. First, we would like our shareholders to be reassured and take comfort in the fact that there is no news that they do not know about. While there are several significant pending transactions they are not ready to be announced yet, however will be in due and appropriate time. HTDS management would like the public to know that the only changes in the company’s fundamentals have been positive. As our shareholders will remember, we recently closed important new sales, added new marketing and technical advisors and had world-class research advances. The company cannot attract the calibre of people HTDS has added without having great merit and great potential as a company. We only expect more of the same type of good news to come.

While all these positives should naturally give us a strong market value, we believe that the recent change in our stock price is almost entirely due to the fact that as a company which is on the Pink Sheets Caveat Emptor list, we are effectively stopped from bringing in new stock buyers. Naturally, this had made a major shift in demand for the stock and after many months appears to have finally had an impact. Simply put, the laws of supply and demand are at force.

Astute stock buyers look for value in places where others least expect it. Courageous investing and sticking to what you know is right is what enables legendary investors to get their exceptional returns. We believe that the price of our stock is such an opportunity and that those who take advantage of it will be rewarded when we complete our audits and SEC filings and graduate to a more mature and respected market. We look forward to a time when we are trading on the OTCBB at a fair price without the stigma of the Pink Sheets, realize that our patience has been handsomely rewarded, and then look back on our trials on the Pink Sheets as growing pains that are long gone. We are in this for the long term, and with the stock at its proper level, we will all have won.

As far as the Pink Sheets determination that we should be listed as a Caveat Emptor stock because we have a naked short position, the more you look at this, the more you can see that this only helps any illegal naked short sellers. The naked short sellers have deployed a virtual small army of stock bashers to plant doubt with the novice and unsuspecting shareholders to aid them in their task. As silly as it seems they pick out the company R&D fax line (tel line used to receive medical reports) and claim that this is the company main voice telephone line. The constant chatter of stock split and stock reversal is being rumoured. The company has no such plans whatsoever and this should not even enter one’s mind. The words “scam” are used to describe the good hard work the medical research team is doing in Serbia and the H1N1 vaccine distribution and sales in China. Both Mellow Hope and Slavica Bio Chem (operating subsidiaries of HTDS) make this formal open invitation to any doubters to come and see for themselves the operation and the good work being performed. The facts remain that these stock bashers intertwine part truth and part fiction to make their claims believable (see link for methods identified and used) http://www.minamargroup.com/stock_bashers.php. Some of these individuals have been identified and legal action has commenced. HTDS management ask any reasonable person to consider the motives of anyone who day in and day out spends their entire day preaching doom and gloom to others. One must ask, for what reason? What is the motive? If a person has made a bad investment would it simply not make more sense to sell it take a loss and move on with their life? Now the most important question is if these individuals are spending all of their work day spreading dark propaganda what exactly do they do for a living to support themselves? The answer is they are “at work”. Their work is to artificially drive the HTDS stock price down and sell stocks they do not own.

HTDS management is exceptionally critical of Pink Sheets. We question their motives. The skull and bones and Pink Sheets action is not protecting investors; as they obviously must realize, this is helping criminal short sellers by corrupting the market. Pink Sheets has no authority to make these determinations and could easily disclose the actual reason for this label, but chose rather to smear us with a skull and crossbones. Rest assured that HTDS is taking steps to right this matter. Pink Sheets has been placed on notice and HTDS is in a litigation mode. Protecting our true shareholders is our # 1 priority.

We remind our shareholders that HTDS has revenues and is self sustainable and not in a loss position as many companies are today. See recent 3Q Pink Sheets financial filings http://www.pinksheets.com/otciq/ajax/showFinancialReportById.pdf?id=26898

In other words HTDS does not need to dilute and sell stock to stay in business, as many other companies do. We remind our followers that HTDS was a company in duress some 18 months ago. Today, all of its debts and obligations have been repaid. See Pink Sheet filing http://www.pinksheets.com/otciq/ajax/showFinancialReportById.pdf?id=18846 (2007 Financial Statements) Interesting note is See Note # 1 “

“The company was deemed administratively abandoned by its former officers and directors.

Current management acquired control of the corporation through purchase of preferred shares from Shareholder Advocates in December, 2008"

The hardship and duress days are well behind HTDS now. As with most other financial vehicles the values are driven by confidence. HTDS management is aware that this organized stock basher group, see www.stock-bashers.com, are planting ridiculous and unwarranted doubt with novice and unsuspecting shareholders of HTDS, thus attempting to destroy confidence. At some point in the near future management of HTDS knows that sanity and panic driven tactics will simply not work anymore. At some point prudent investors will look at HTDS and ask what is wrong with this picture? The answer is nothing is wrong! The share price is extremely undervalued. HTDS is a thriving little company with a lot of potential. It has been unfairly targeted by naked short sellers and their cronies. If your question is why, and why the sudden surge? The answer is simple. In early January HTDS will be heard in a court motion in front of a master in Toronto will sign a formal 10 million dollar default judgement HTDS won as a co beneficiary in a slander lawsuit against a chat board Investors Hub. HTDS has already been awarded costs judgement in the amount of $14,000. As one can see these stock bashers and their employer(s) have a lot of motives.

As a company HTDS continues to operate as a going concern on solid ground and continuing with our aspirations of either merging with a stem cell company, or starting our own. We continue with our daily business activities, the research into MS, Lung cancer with our www.mindupbioresearch.com project to name a few. The company has placed a valuation of itself of 150 million dollars. The company is not ruling out a 1 to 4 billion share buyback program to affirm its values. At some point in time HTDS may re point its resources away from research and development towards share purchase of its security. The opportunities that HTDS makes available are not only in the medical sector but in the financial as well. HTDS management will not stand idle without acting on the an opportunity available. There are financial backers who acknowledge HTDS’ values and the company firmly stand by its beliefs and its values.

HTDS remains a vibrant, well capitalized, well run company determined to overcome the abuses faced.

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Safe Harbor Statement

Information in this news release may contain statements about future expectations, plans, prospects or performance of Hard to Treat Diseases Inc. that constitute forward-looking statements for purposes of the Safe Harbor Provisions under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The words or phrases “can be”, “expects”, “may affect”, “believed”, “estimate”, “project” and similar words and phrases are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. Hard to Treat Diseases Inc. cautions you that any forward-looking information provided by or on behalf of Hard to Treat Diseases Inc. is not a guarantee of future performance. None of the information in this press release constitutes or is intended as an offer to sell securities or investment advice of any kind. Hard to Treat Diseases Inc.'s actual results may differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors, some of which are beyond Hard to Treat Diseases Inc.'s control. In addition to those discussed in Hard to Treat Diseases Inc.'s press releases, public filings, and statements by Hard to Treat Diseases Inc.'s management, including, but not limited to, Hard to Treat Diseases Inc.'s estimate of the sufficiency of its existing capital resources, Hard to Treat Diseases Inc.'s ability to raise additional capital to fund future operations, Hard to Treat Diseases Inc.'s ability to repay its existing indebtedness, the uncertainties involved in estimating market opportunities, and in identifying contracts which match Hard to Treat Diseases Inc.'s capability to be awarded contracts. All such forward-looking statements are current only as of the date on which such statements were made. Hard to Treat Diseases Inc. does not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which any such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

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