Cedarville University’s school of nursing is one of five nursing schools in Ohio to win the 2019-20 Hall of Fame award for its End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium curriculum.
CEDARVILLE, Ohio, Feb. 22, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Cedarville University‘s school of nursing is one of five nursing schools in Ohio to win the 2019-20 Hall of Fame award for its End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) curriculum.
The ELNEC project is a national and international education initiative to improve palliative care healthcare education, which is employed while serving those who experience a life limiting and terminal illness.
As part of their ELNEC undergraduate curriculum, the Cedarville school of nursing conducts simulation experiences for senior nursing students. Dr. Carolyn Barnett, associate professor of nursing, is the course coordinator.
In these simulation experiences, the school of nursing is transformed into Cedarville University Medical Center. Students role play clinical care situations with a computerized mannequin who is described to have cirrhosis of the liver. Throughout the clinical simulation and the journey from the emergency room to the death of the patient half of the students role play loved ones contemplating and then mourning the loss of the patient, while the remainder of students serve in various medical staff roles.
“Toward the end of the simulation experience, students experience a veteran recognition ceremony playing roles of family members and the healthcare team,” said Dr. Beth Delaney, associate professor of nursing.
As the patient is dying, the simulation process teaches nurses how to care for a patient who is dying, their families, and the importance of spiritual assessment.
“We teach our nurses the importance and understanding of spiritual resources as a patient approaches death. If a patient is interested in becoming a person of faith, we incorporate ways nurses are able to lead someone to Christ,” said Delaney.
Cedarville’s simulation process also implements The Pause, where caregivers gather around the bedside to honor the life of the patient with a moment of silence after the family has departed. This also helps with self-care for the health care team as they cope with loss of patients and honors the care that has been provided.
Dr. Delaney is a board-certified Advanced Hospice and Palliative Care Nurse who has integrated her palliative care training with teaching opportunities at Cedarville. Students learn this content as early as sophomore year.
Delaney was honored as the 2019 ELNEC Person of Excellence.
Cedarville University is an accredited, Baptist institution with an enrollment of 4,550 undergraduate, graduate, and online students. For more information about the University, visit www.cedarville.edu.
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SOURCE Cedarville University