Gilead Sciences, Inc.’s Investigational Antiretroviral Elvitegravir Once Daily Non-Inferior to Raltegravir Twice Daily at 48 Weeks

ROME--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Gilead Sciences, Inc. (Nasdaq:GILD) today announced Phase III clinical trial results from the pivotal Study 145 showing that its investigational antiretroviral elvitegravir, a novel oral integrase inhibitor being evaluated for the treatment of HIV-1 infection, was non-inferior to the integrase inhibitor raltegravir after 48 weeks of therapy in treatment-experienced patients. In the study, elvitegravir (150 mg or 85 mg) dosed once daily was compared to raltegravir (400 mg) dosed twice daily. Each integrase inhibitor was administered with a background regimen that included a ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitor (PI) and a second antiretroviral (ARV). These data are being presented today in a late-breaker session (LB# WELBB05) at the 6th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2011) in Rome, Italy.