Elekta Highlights Full Spectrum of Cancer Management Solutions at 2010 ASTRO

SAN DIEGO, Oct. 28 /PRNewswire/ At the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) 52nd Annual Meeting, October 31-November 4 in San Diego, Elekta (booth # 913) will showcase its comprehensive range of advanced solutions for managing cancer safely and effectively. In addition to its latest offeringsincluding Integrity* digital linac control and the Clarity 3D soft tissue visualization systemElekta will highlight solutions for treatment planning, treatment delivery, and oncology information management.

“For the last 25 years, Elekta has relied on close customer collaboration to develop the next innovations in cancer care,” says Jay Hoey, Executive Vice President, Elekta North America. “Elekta’s ASTRO theme, Experience the Elekta Difference, recognizes this unique customer relationship and acknowledges the importance we place on listening to customers and then delivering what they need.”

On display, Elekta also will demonstrate several new, developing and field-proven solutions, including:

  • Integrity digital linear accelerator control system. Representing Elekta’s sixth generation of digital control technology, Integrity synchronizes multiple linac operations through a single centralized control system. The benefits are reduced risk of treatment errors and increased performance. In addition, Integrity employs three tiers of safety, including the Guardian, to provide greater confidence in dose delivery. To download a paper detailing three clinical sites’ experience, visit www.elekta.com/integrity.
  • MOSAIQ® oncology information system (OIS). The leading open-system OIS, MOSAIQ provides a comprehensive oncology charting solution that increases productivity, elevates efficiency and facilitates high-quality patient care. MOSAIQ optimizes patient safety by providing the means to integrate, consolidate and communicate the high volume of images and data required to plan, verify and deliver advanced treatments. In the 2010 KLAS Report, The Oncology IT Balancing Act: Integration vs. Functionality, MOSAIQ was rated No. 1 in the industry by healthcare providers.
  • Monaco® treatment planning with VMAT. With significant advances in usability and processing speed, Monaco with VMAT optimizes single or multiple non-coplanar arcs simultaneously, providing the flexibility and control needed for complex treatment plans and improve clinical throughput. To download a case study detailing three arc VMAT for a sphenoidal meningioma planned using Monaco with VMAT, visit www.elekta.com/3arc.
  • Atlas based Autosegmentation (ABAS) software. Considered the industry gold standard for autosegmentation accuracy, ABAS deforms atlases of anatomy previously defined on a reference image onto a new patient image, creating a new structure set fit to the patient anatomy. With its deformable registration algorithms, ABAS saves time by automatically contouring new image sets based on anatomy defined in the atlas.
  • Intuity image guidance for tumors and critical structures. Building on Elekta’s XVI imaging technology, Intuity offers superior image quality combined with the largest available image size.
  • Symmetry respiratory motion management for lung tumor treatment. Revolutionizing the process of visualizing moving tumors during treatment, Symmetry enables clinicians to reduce margins, account for baseline shifts and employ uninterrupted treatment delivery while the patient breathes freely.

Events held in conjunction with ASTRO

On October 30, just prior to ASTRO, customers will receive a comprehensive product review at Elekta’s Radiation Oncology Users Meeting at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront. Now in its 19th year, the meeting will cover topics such as improving patient safety, Elekta’s vision for radiation treatment planning and advances in body radiosurgery.

Following the Users Meeting, Elekta will host a Charity Bash benefiting All Are Our Heroes and the Canadian Cancer Society. For additional information on the meeting and charity event, visit www.elekta.com/ROUM2010. To learn more about Elekta’s innovations at ASTRO, visit www.elekta.com/experience.

*Works in progress and not yet cleared for sale in the United States.

About Elekta

Elekta is a human care company pioneering significant innovations and clinical solutions for treating cancer and brain disorders. The company develops sophisticated, state-of-the-art tools and treatment planning systems for radiation therapy and radiosurgery, as well as workflow enhancing software systems across the spectrum of cancer care.

Stretching the boundaries of science and technology, providing intelligent and resource-efficient solutions that offer confidence to both healthcare providers and patients, Elekta aims to improve, prolong and even save patient lives, making the future possible.

Today, Elekta solutions in oncology and neurosurgery are used in over 5,000 hospitals globally, and every day more than 100,000 patients receive diagnosis, treatment or follow-up with the help of a solution from the Elekta Group.

Elekta employs around 2,500 employees globally. The corporate headquarter is located in Stockholm, Sweden, and the company is listed on the Nordic Exchange under the ticker EKTAb. For more information about Elekta, please visit www.elekta.com.