Thane and Cynthia Murphy of Assuaged, Inc. are no strangers to physical and mental challenges. Thane, a Marine Corps veteran, has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as a result of the brain injury he suffered during active duty.
Gives Life-Changing Hearing Device to One-Year-Old Boy
LOS ANGELES, June 17, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Thane and Cynthia Murphy of Assuaged, Inc. are no strangers to physical and mental challenges. Thane, a Marine Corps veteran, has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as a result of the brain injury he suffered during active duty. Cynthia was born with Treacher Collins Syndrome, a rare genetic birth defect that causes abnormalities of the face and skull. She has undergone over 16 reconstructive surgeries and faces more in the future. Cynthia, a passionate craniofacial disability activist, co-founded Assuaged, Inc. with her husband to empower people to take charge of their own health.
In an effort to assist others with craniofacial conditions, the Murphys have a giveaway entry form on their website and Facebook page. It was through a viewer submission that they connected with one-year-old Matthew Hulen and his family. He will receive a brand new Cochlear™ Baha Power 5 device with accessories, up to a $7,000 value! Matthew was born deaf with Nager Syndrome, a severe craniofacial condition that causes internal and external bodily and facial malformations. Hearing devices like the Cochlear Baha are often not covered by insurance and are financially out of reach for most patients. The Hulen Family were repeatedly denied coverage for hearing aids. The Murphys believe no one should live in silence because they don’t have access to these devices. This is the third hearing system Cynthia and Thane have donated and their goal is to continue to bless more families in need.
Matthew’s family, who has been learning sign language, is thrilled for this huge step forward. “I’m excited to see his face when he can hear everything! And, just so excited to see our family communicate and to see Matthew grow,” said Megan Hulen, Matthew’s mother.
If you or a family member are in need of a Cochlear™ Baha or Oticon Ponto Plus, you can contact them to examine your case and work directly with your insurance. Oticon Medical: 888-277-8014 or e-mail them at:
Cochlear Americas: 800-587-6910 or e-mail them at:
To learn more about Thane and Cynthia Murphy and submit a form for their hearing system giveaway, please visit
Thane and Cynthia Murphy
Assuaged, Inc.
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