Clinical Trial Results Prove The Effectiveness Of LumbaCurve To Alleviate Back Pain

Liverpool, UK, (February, 2015) LumbaCurve International, a leading innovator in natural back pain therapy, has today announced the findings of the clinical trial, reporting that its device greatly reduces reported back pain levels and enhances mobility. Based at Liverpool, Science Park, LumbaCurve is the only product to offer “significant improvements” for patients, by providing an innovative, revolutionary and cost effective alternative for the growing market of approximately 10 million back pain sufferers in the UK each year.

Back pain is an increasingly international health problem, with 6–9% of adults in the UK consulting their GP with back pain each year and only 20–40% no longer reporting pain or disability 12 months later. LumbaCurve offers a natural, drug free back pain relief solution by utilising passive gravity assisted traction (PGAT) to gently stretch the lower back, causing the vertebral joints to separate. This allows the discs to relax and releases the spinal nerves, offering pain relief, as practised by healthcare professionals today such as Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, and Osteopaths.

The effectiveness of LumbaCurve has been verified by independent evaluation carried out by the Allied Health Research Unit University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), conducted in the form of randomised control trials and directly compared alongside NHS standard guidelines. The result of these four week clinical trials highlighted that back pain levels are significantly reduced following standardised care alongside the intervention and use of the LumbaCurve LC3 device. This demonstrates that LumbaCurve is perhaps the only product within its field clinically proven to significantly improve patient reported back pain levels.

In comparison, there is only inconclusive clinical evidence on the effectiveness for the renowned TENs (Transcutaneous electrical nerve simulation) for the relief of low back pain. According to the American Academy of Neurology and also published in Neurology Journal, TENS “is not recommended to treat chronic low back pain”. Additionally, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) clinical guidelines noted that healthcare professionals should “not offer TENS” as a therapy solution for back pain relief. By having medically backed up trial data, LumbaCurve is able to differentiate and distinguish itself from the rest of the market.

With the successful completion and approval from the clinical trial results, LumbaCurve is an innovative drug- free solution for back pain relief, either for self treatment at home or in the treatment room together with manual therapy. Found to be significantly more effective than other back pain solutions and the only clinically proven device in its field, LumbaCurve is an optimal natural therapy choice for healthcare professionals and patients.

If you have questions about the product then get in touch on Twitter using #LumbacurveTrial and we will get back to you or why not connect with us @Lumbacurve.


For more information on LumbaCurve please visit:, telephone 0870 333 6311or email

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