Brain Research Foundation (BRF) bestowed its 2019 Dr. Frederic A. Gibbs Discovery Awards to individuals advancing innovative research through extraordinary philanthropic initiatives and ground breaking neuroscience research at its annual dinner this month.
CHICAGO, Oct. 17, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Brain Research Foundation (BRF) bestowed its 2019 Dr. Frederic A. Gibbs Discovery Awards to individuals advancing innovative research through extraordinary philanthropic initiatives and ground breaking neuroscience research at its annual dinner this month. The award for philanthropic leadership was given to Mary and Bob (in memory) Galvin for a lifetime of giving that extended deeply into support for science education and research into some of modern society’s most perplexing problems. Bob Galvin was the CEO of Motorola, the company was founded by his father, until his retirement. The Galvins have given generously to innumerable charities that span a spectrum from the arts to health to education and infrastructure. Through the Galvin Foundation the family supported major building and programmatic initiatives at major research institutions such as Northwestern University and IIT for more than 50 years. The Galvins have been deeply interested in addressing some of society’s most perplexing problems such as gridlock and electricity innovation, both topics explored by think tanks that the Galvin Foundation established for that specific purpose. “While the Galvin’s generosity has touched many areas, a focus on science and technology stands out,” stated Terre A. Constantine, Ph.D., executive director and chief executive office of Brain Research Foundation. “Their support of science and technical education over many decades is its own form of a “seed grant” program. They have helped send untold numbers of scientists in many different research pursuits.” The award for scientific achievement was given to Dr. Rudolph Tanzi, the Joseph P. and Rose F. Kennedy Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Tanzi has spent his entire career focused on research related to identifying the genetic cause of Alzheimer’s disease. His doctoral thesis was on the discovery and isolation of the first Alzheimer’s gene – the amyloid precursor protein (APP) – and was published in Science. He was part of the team that discovered the other two early-onset familial Alzheimer genes known as the presenilins 1 and 2. Among his more than 500 published papers are three that are most cited in the field of Alzheimer’s disease research. Dr. Tanzi has also found time to engage the general population in better understanding Alzheimer’s and its effects. He has authored several best-selling books including The Healing Self: A Revolutionary New Plant to Supercharge Your Immunity and Stay Well for Life with Deepak Chopra. “Dr. Tanzi has dedicated his life to unlocking the genetic mystery that surrounds the most insidious neurological disease our aging society confronts,” Dr. Constantine added. “His early work on Alzheimer’s was groundbreaking and he’s only expanded upon that to provide the neuroscience community critical new research for investigation.” The recipients of the 2019 Dr. Frederic A. Gibbs Awards reflect the ongoing mission of BRF to identify and fund critical areas of neuroscience research at the nascent stage and through early discovery activate and launch that research onto a broader scientific platform that is capable of drawing critical financial support. BRF’s 2019 Discovery Dinner was held October 10 in Chicago and raised more than $1 million dollars. The dinner was chaired by Alicia and Peter Pond and Stacy and David Purcell, trustees of the Foundation. The Discovery Dinner is a major fundraiser for the Foundation and 100 percent of the proceeds fund neuroscience research and educational programs that will impact our understanding and treatment of ALS, Alzheimer’s, autism and virtually all neurological diseases and disorders. About Brain Research Foundation Contact: Deborah Schneider, 312-280-8700,
SOURCE Brain Research Foundation |