A form of pterostilbene, a compound found naturally in blueberries, reduces blood pressure in adults, according to results of a clinical trial presented recently at the American Heart Association’s 2012 Scientific Sessions on High Blood Pressure Research in Washington, D.C. The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted by University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy and School of Medicine researchers to determine whether pterostilbene (tero-STILL-bean), an ingredient being marketed as pTeroPure, improves cardiovascular health. Investigators evaluated the ingredient in 80 patients with high cholesterol (total cholesterol of 200 or greater and/or LDL cholesterol of 100 or greater). Twice daily for six to eight weeks, participants received either high (125 mg) doses of pterostilbene, low (50 mg) doses of pterostilbene, pterostilbene (50 mg) with grape extract (100 mg), or a placebo, said Daniel M. Riche, the study’s principal investigator. Investigators assessed patients’ blood pressure, body weight and blood lipids at the beginning and end of their participation in the study.