Lincolnshire, Illinois -- BioSante Pharmaceuticals, Inc. President and CEO Stephen M. Simes, was interviewed for “Med Tech Sentinel” and featured on its website.
Program host Bill Dawson interviewed Mr. Simes regarding the development program for LibiGel® (testosterone gel), now in Phase III safety and efficacy trials, and on BioSante financial condition and upcoming milestones.
Med Tech Sentinel is a feature of OneMedPlace (OMP), a virtual community for those involved in health and medical innovations. It is a portal to information needed by strategic and financial investors and has a database of more than 7,000 companies.
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About BioSante Pharmaceuticals, Inc. BioSante is a specialty pharmaceutical company focused on developing products for female sexual health, menopause, contraception and male hypogonadism. BioSante’s lead products include LibiGel® (transdermal testosterone gel) in Phase III clinical development by BioSante under a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) SPA (Special Protocol Assessment) for the treatment of female sexual dysfunction (FSD), and Elestrin™ (estradiol gel) developed through FDA approval by BioSante, indicated for the treatment of moderate-to-severe vasomotor symptoms associated with menopause, currently marketed in the U.S. Also in development are Bio-T-Gel™, a testosterone gel for male hypogonadism, licensed to Teva Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: TEVA) and an oral contraceptive in Phase II clinical development using BioSante patented technology. The current market in the U.S. for estrogen and testosterone products is approximately $2.5 billion and for oral contraceptives approximately $3 billion. The company also is developing its calcium phosphate technology (CaP) for aesthetic medicine (BioLook™), as a vaccine adjuvant, including for an H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine, and drug delivery. In addition, BioSante will seek opportunities for its GVAX cancer immunotherapies, 2A/Furin and other technologies.
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