Biocitech, France, December 6, 2010 – Biocitech, the Parisian life sciences technology park, today announces the installation of a new firm, OCT Santé, on its campus. OCT Santé is the 25th company to relocate to Biocitech, where the occupation rate is now over 90 per cent.
The installation of this new tenant not only confirms the park’s success but also enables Biocitech to expand the range of services it offers to the biopharmaceutical industry downstream from its medical research-and-development activities. These services now include the transport of biologicals in optimum conditions and the development of packaging methods that comply with current standards.
OCT Santé (which stands for Office de Coordination des Transports de Santé) is a young company that was founded in 2006 and is specialized in the transport of biologicals and pharmaceuticals. It transports by road and/or air, and under controlled temperature conditions, products that require particular precautions and careful handling, whether it be potentially infectious biologicals or pharmaceuticals required for clinical trials. OCT Santé runs a fleet of refrigerated vehicles driven by trained drivers and operates through a national and international network of agents. The company can thus serve any destination, including mainland Western and Central Europe and the Americas.
“Biocitech is a particularly suitable site for our business, thanks to its geographical proximity to road networks, airports and pharmaceutical and hospital environments,” said the director of OCT Santé, Alain Chiche. “Furthermore, the park’s ICPE classification as offering environmental protection, the regulatory certificates it holds and the secure, high-tech premises it makes available are also factors that led us to choose Biocitech for ensuring the full development of our activities.”
OCT Santé runs its business on the basis of its so-called LOGETIC principle, which is designed to ensure the integrity of the cold chain, traceability, confidentiality and hygiene, while keeping track of vehicles by satellite and complying with good distribution practices and relevant regulations (ADR, IATA, and so on). The company guarantees the reliable handling of products utilizing its range of packaging materials and the strict traceability of temperatures and dispatches, underpinned by a dependable, real-time warning system. OCT Santé also transports products destined for nutritional research and temperature-sensitive health products directly to the homes of patients and/or subjects.
Many healthcare professionals such as research laboratories, biotechnology companies, hospitals and veterinary laboratories already utilize the services of OCT Santé. The company has the special advantage of coupling skills derived directly from the business of transporting sensitive materials with skills derived from the healthcare and hospital sector, as well as boasting qualities of reactivity and creativity.
“Biocitech is pleased to welcome OCT Santé, which adds to the range of services provided by the biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies already present in the park,” said the President of Biocitech, Jean-François Boussard. “Our campus is now 90 per cent full. The rentable area is to be doubled in the near future, which will enable us not only to accompany the development of current tenants by continuing to provide them with solutions adapted to their needs, but also to welcome new companies.”
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About Biocitech
The Biocitech technology park for life sciences offers a world-class environment and services for the development of biotechnology, biopharmaceutical and fine chemical companies.
Biocitech is on the outskirts of Paris, only 20 minutes from the city center and Charles de Gaulle airport. It is privately-owned and provides secure premises and comprehensive facilities based on the latest technology. It has received regulatory approval for conformity to environmental protection standards. Companies can use one or many of the services offered. These include offices, laboratories and a range of technical and scientific services - all designed to let entrepreneurs concentrate their time and resources on their core business.
Companies already established at Biocitech represent a wide variety of complementary disciplines and many are working on collaborative projects.
Along with other organizations in the Ile-de-France region around Paris, Biocitech plays a key role in the Medicen Paris Region network. This is a healthcare and new therapy cluster designated by the French government as internationally competitive and hence qualified for special privileges.
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