Hercules, CA — April 18, 2011 — Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. announces the availability of two Tech Notes that demonstrate the advantages of the company’s TC10 automated cell counter. The TC10 cell counter is a benchtop instrument that counts mammalian cells in one simple, rapid step and produces more accurate and reliable results than other automated cell counters or manual counting using a hemocytometer.
Tech Note 6003 reports on the degree of variability when counting cells using manual hemocytometers, including errors introduced by the device and by users. Count accuracy is influenced by both the area being counted and cell concentration. In addition, researchers count cells differently based on how they interpret cells that lie on grid lines and on the presence of debris and clusters.
In contrast, the TC10 cell counter can eliminate subjectivity in counting by applying algorithms trained to identify cells, segregate clusters, and reject cell debris. Tech Note 6003 reports that using the TC10 cell counter, researchers determined a count coefficient of variation (CV) of less than 3.9%, compared to a CV of 15.6% when cells were counted by hand.
More Accurate Live Cell Counting
Other available automated cell counters use a single focal plane to assess cell viability, which often leads to miscounting of live cells. In addition, light scattering and alignment of cells at different heights in a counting chamber can cause some live cells to appear dead.
The TC10 cell counter is the only automated cell counter that uses multiple focal planes to assess cell viability, which, using trypan blue staining, provides more accurate counting of live cells. Tech Note 6011 shows that by scoring each cell in the counting field across multiple focal planes, the TC10 cell counter can precisely determine if cells are dead or alive. Using just a single focal plane for analysis not only increases the risk of mistaking live cells for dead ones but also increases the likelihood of severely undercounting the total number of cells.
In addition to total cell and live cell counting accuracy, a major benefit of automated cell counting over manual methods is speed. Tech Note 6003 reports that it can take up 3 minutes to count cells using a hemocytometer but that it takes only 20 seconds or less when using the TC10 cell counter, regardless of the cell concentration.
About Bio-Rad
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. (NYSE: BIO and BIOb) has remained at the center of scientific discovery for more than 50 years, manufacturing and distributing a broad range of products for the life science research and clinical diagnostic markets. The company is renowned worldwide among hospitals, universities, and major research institutions, as well as biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies for its commitment to quality and customer service. Founded in 1952, Bio-Rad is headquartered in Hercules, California, and serves more than 100,000 research and industry customers worldwide through its global network of operations. The company employs more than 6,800 people globally and had revenues exceeding $1.9 billion in 2010. For more information, please visit http://www.biorad.com.
For more information contact:
Richard Kurtz
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
800-876-3425 x5638
Ken Li
Chempetitive Group
312-997-2436 x 109