WCRI Conference Date Set; Stimulating and Provocative Program Promised

Cambridge, MA — Oct. 24, 2012 — Understanding the urgency for reducing unnecessary medical care and costs while preserving good patient outcomes is the focus of the Workers Compensation Research Institute’s (WCRI) Annual Issues & Research Conference on February 27–28, 2013 at the Boston Marriott Cambridge.

“Regardless of your position in the workers’ compensation field, this is the conference to attend,” said Bob Steggert, Marriott’s V.P. of Casualty Claims. “WCRI’s cutting-edge research and the opportunity to engage with workers’ compensation experts help me remain proactive while facing ever-evolving industry challenges.”

This year’s conference promises to be stimulating and provocative with speakers drawn from diverse perspectives within the Workers’ Compensation Community as well as nationally known speakers from the political and health care worlds. Apart from the WCRI’s latest research, here is a sample of the exciting topics on the agenda:

• Abuse and diversion of opioids — a national public health crisis;

• Orthopedic surgery — best practices and how workers can get them;

• Regulating prices paid to providers — cost savings and unintended consequences;

• Provider autonomy and the balkanization of medical delivery systems — challenging old ways;

• National health care reform — what is the prognosis.

The WCRI conference is a leading workers’ compensation forum for policymakers, employers, labor advocates, insurance executives, health care organizations, claims managers, researchers, and others and draws attendees from across the nation. Conference participants will leave the two-day event with new insights and a better understanding of key issues in today’s competitive environment.

Register by January 14, 2013 to take advantage of the early bird special, which will save you $100.00. Seating is limited so register soon. For more information about the program or to register, click on the following link:



The Workers Compensation Research Institute (WCRI) is an independent, not-for-profit research organization based in Cambridge, MA. Since 1983, WCRI has been a catalyst for significant improvements in workers’ compensation systems around the world with its objective, credible, and high-quality research. WCRI’s members include employers; insurers; governmental entities; managed care companies; health care providers; insurance regulators; state labor organizations; and state administrative agencies in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.