BELLEVUE, Wash., Dec. 27 /PRNewswire/ -- Eric Luttio, CEO, is pleased to announce that StatSeal, the first stable liquid fibrin sealant which has been under development since 2002, will be utilized as a delivery platform for antibiotics used to treat resistant infections being developed by Dr. Patrick Gillevet at George Mason University.
StatSeal will be facilitating research and development by Wilson Burgess, Chief Science Officer. StatSeal, which received the Frost & Sullivan Report’s Technology Innovation and Advancement Award for 2004, looks forward to positive results in 2006.
StatSeal has developed a break through liquid fibrinogen sealant technology that is stable at room temperature. Therefore it has many uses beyond the operating room and emergency clinic, and now will break into varying drug delivery platforms through an agreement with Delivery Rx.
StatSeal is located in Bellevue, WA. CEO Eric Luttio has a very strong working relationship with George Mason University and looks forward to many other such collaborations utilizing the StatSeal Technology.
StatSeal Technology
CONTACT: Eric Luttio of StatSeal, +1-425-653-3054,
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